Part 3 Steve Job’s Commencement–Facing Death

Facing Death is the last story Steve Jobs shared with us. I have to confront the death that often seems very far away. As we all know, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, which is nearly incurable. However Steve Jobs transformed this incident into positive energy. He revealed, “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”  Steve Jobs asked himself if today was the last day, what would he do? Every individual will face other people’s comments, which may make us feel trapped by dogma. It is absolutely necessary to keep in mind that time is limited, so don’t let another’s voice drown out your inner voice.
(I chose to write three blogs on Steve Jobs’s commencement in that he was a revolutionary person who changed our lives significantly. His advice is incalculable and should be treasured as time goes on. )

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