Part 2 Steve Jobs’s Commencement–Love and Loss

Steve Jobs’s other story was about love and loss, which truly inspired me, and so I would like to share it with all my peers who are on their way to a bright future. Steve Jobs vividly described the devastating life-changing experience of getting fired by Apple at the age of 30, and he illustrated the pivotal thing about finding what you love. As a business student, i am scared of failure, risk, and unpredictability. Chasing your passion sounds a bit too luxurious and often not realistic to a university student: “It is awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.” On the way to find your passion, there must be ups and downs, but success only comes to people who do not give up. I was truly inspired when I heard Steve Jobs saying “So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”

2 thoughts on “Part 2 Steve Jobs’s Commencement–Love and Loss

  1. This is indeed very inspiring. “So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.” is a life-long goal I guess, because we always have to move on. Even if we find the right path, we still have to pursue a goal regarding to that path. Same for business, we should not set up deliberate strategies unless we are very sure about it. Often, we would encounter emergent paths along the way, so we should always keep looking until we find “it”. By the way, thanks for sharing Cici!

    1. AGREE! Life is a long journey. Keep on chasing your dream, and don’t settle until you find it! Thank you for responding , Kath!

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