Cindy Fu

Comm 101 Blog

Nestle is Creating Shared Value

 Nestle is implementing CSV, through their products, markets, value chains and social/economic investment. Nestle has implemented CSV in many aspects of their company. They have formed partnerships with The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and United Nations Foundation – Every Woman Every Child Initiative (EWEC) and many more. Through these […]

Benefits of a Private Investor and Serendipity

Twitter recently had its IPO, moving from being a private company to a public one. What about small companies who don’t have capital to expand? Cover FX,  a foundation cosmetics company landed an investment partner through serendipity. This is exactly what Sauder Alumni Brian Wong advised us about, to generate serendipity and by “creating your own […]

Where do you find committed employees that drive creativity?

Many successful companies such as Apple, Google and Zappos have succeeded by creating a strong corporate culture. Nike depends on innovation, and being such an internationally known company with 44,000 employees, they continue to succeed because of its powerful culture that attracts employees who are loyal because of the sense of belonging to a goal-oriented […]

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