On the last day before spring break, I was getting frustrated at the lack of participation that one of my ELL students was showing. Several times I had approached this student to put down the phone and actually work on the project. This student always sat in the back and assumed that I would not notice. Because of this, I paid particular attention to those who sat at the back. Near the end of class, I decided to be stern and let this student know that I would not put up with this behaviour. I said to this student that I am keeping her for detention after school.
I could see that the other students who overheard were shocked. The student was shocked too. Chances are, she had probably never been given detention because she is a “quiet” student. I was not going to give in to this. I try to treat all students equally and she is no exception. She said that she didn’t have time to come after school. When I told her that if she didn’t show up, she would have to face the consequences.
I was there after school for detention and for supervising students who wanted to finish their ceramic project. I waited and waited. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes…my student did not show up for detention. I was disappointed but now I know what was the next course of action. I will need to talk to her counselor and reinforce the fact that teachers are to be respected and that our demands and expectations are not trivial.