The setup of the classroom is absolutely essential to the success of a teacher’s instruction. I never realized this until I actually had to set one up, especially one which required a projector, laptop, and a screen. I attempted to set up my regular art room and found that the screen was just much too far for people at the end of the class to really see anything. This can’t be helped. This is the set up of the classroom and I cannot move the screen. The next dilemma I faced was setting up the photo lab with a projector and screen. Luckily they had a screen but the set up of the room was problematic. I did not have in my possession, an extension cord for the projector. Where the screen was to be set up, I could not find an adequate place for the projector. The projector was either too far off to the side due to cord length limitations or the screen would be too angled. Dilemmas!
I decided to fiddle around with the other power outlets in that room. Fortunately, there are many outlets in that room to power all of the computers. This meant that I could find the most ideal location for the projector, unhook the cables from the computer, and plug in what I needed. Luckily, it worked! I will be using this set up tomorrow. I am so glad I went in after school to set up the place beforehand. I did not want to freak out the day of. The other good thing about teaching a short class is that I don’t need to do many presentations!
Tip of the day: always do a full run through when setting up your projector, screen, and laptop!