What is Important?

Today I had to take my first sick day.  I didn’t plan on ever being sick during my practicum.  Fueled by my desire to be a “perfect” teacher, my ambitions had pushed me over the edge.  I believe that the stress of practicum is real.  It is very real; however, sleeping for 17 hours today to nurse my illness made me realize how unimportant everything else in life is compared to one’s own health and sanity.

I am not saying this to be selfish but it is true.  We must always look out for #1 first then take care of other things after.  This makes sense right?  This program has been an extremely challenging experience for me and without the support of loved ones and classmates, I would not be here writing this post.

My relationships, my job, and my welfare are all important to me.  The stress that these aspects of my life put on me are enormous (and I’m sure on everyone else).  I do stress out easily but I manage to keep a calm and cool exterior.  I’ve heard this phrase “fake it til you make it” uttered so often by people around me (teachers and non teachers), it makes me wonder if teaching is more about improvisation than anything.  Perhaps it is better to have a rough plan of the day’s itinerary than to hammer out the minute by minute details.  If things go awry, as they often do, then I’m left with a seemingly ruined timeline and a frazzled brain.  I cannot do this day in and day out!  If there is anything that spring break has taught me, it is that I need need need time to relax, breathe, sleep, and exercise.  My goodness did I need it!  I got sick right at the start of spring break and now that it’s over, I am sick again.  Does my body have a practicum clock that goes off when it knows it has to go into “stressed out teacher” mode?

I plan on teaching tomorrow because it is an important day and because I dislike convalescing for hours upon hours on end in my boring room.  I looked at my day plans- they are so detailed.  This is good.  I look at it with a sense of ease now.  I panicked before but today I am not panicked.  Why?  Because it finally dawned on me that I can be “imperfect”.  I am here to learn and to make mistakes.  I can always rectify mistakes later.  The main thing is recognizing and acknowledging these mistakes and evolving as an educator from them.  Interact naturally with the kids and don’t be a totalitarian.  Take their temperature….