
What is textile?

Textile art uses a variety of synthetic materials to create both two and three-dimensional pieces of art.

Materials Used in Textiles

Fabrics, felt, clothing, buttons, thread, sequins, yarn, and cotton are commonly used to create scenes or objects. Hot glue guns or simple sewing are used to connect the different materials together.


Sock animals: The materials needed are a sock, cotton stuffing, a needle, thread, and (optionally) felt fabric to add further details.

Step 1: Lay out the sock flat. Cut off 2 inches at the toe-end of the sock. Then cut in vertically  2-3 inches. Turn the sock inside out to sew up the 2 sides. This will be the legs.

Step 2: The toe piece that was cut previously off, gets cut further into 2 pieces. These will the arms. To get a clean looking seam, cut a slit into each side of the main sock, stick the arms through, and sew from the inside.

Step 3: Fill the sock with cotton stuffing. Use 2 pieces of string/thread to form the head- one piece just above the arms for the bottom of the head and another thread at the top.

Step 4: The very top of the sock gets tucked down over the head as a hat.

Step 5: Add clothing or face features to give your animal individuality and personality!


Arpillera: The materials needed are felt and other various pieces of fabric, a needle and thread, and a hot glue gun.

After choosing a base piece of felt/fabric, students can create a scene out of various materials by sewing and/or glueing layers on top.

Have students make themed scenes, such as jungle or underwater, or create a scene for their sock animals to live in!



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