The Week after Reading Break
Mar 2nd, 2013 by jchow16
It is the last week of February and the final report is due in approximately a month’s time. Since our team has chosen to phase our project into two phases (the Design Phase makes up 25% of the project while the Project Management Phase makes up of 75%), we needed to finalize the Design Phase soon so that we can focus on the Project Management Phase. During the meeting three days ago on Tuesday, February 26, we have set for ourselves several target deadlines for this week and next week:
- finish drafting individual assigned parts of the feasibility report by Friday, March 1
- complete the final copy of the feasibility report over the weekend (editting and formatting)
- a good copy of the completed feasibility report will be sent to the client for review on Monday, March 4
- meet with the client early next week either on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (March 5, 6, or 7 respectively) to get his decision on which one of the four designs he wants our project to focus on
- start the Project Management Phase as soon as we know the client’s decision
Our team has conducted a lot of research on the topics covered in the feasibility report over the Reading Break, and during the meeting on Tuesday, all of us actually had more information and research than what our project covers. This raised several questions such as: “Should we include this..? Or does the client want this..?” But after reviewing our well-defined scope together, we were able to easily identify what we should cover and what we should leave out in the feasibility report. In addition, we concluded that all assumptions will be stated clearly in the report, so that the client would be able to understand our team’s thought process of the entire report was.
Lastly, we have been in contact with the client in the last day or two, and he is eager for our feasibility report. We are thrilled to hear this from the client – our team is also very eager to complete the report on time and learn more about the client’s decision. We are working superbly as a team and are expecting to meet all target deadlines next week.
Stay tuned for another blog post next week after our meeting with the client! Cheers!
Hi Team,
I hope the project is progressing well. As I will be reviewing the blogs at the end of the course, can you please make a final post with a quick summary on the final items that you submitted to Skyharvest?As well as final tasks you completed?