English 301 Assignments

Definition Assignment


This assignment intends to describe the term “debasement” in varying levels of complexity in the form of a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition. The term will be described in the context of ancient Roman coinage for a reader with no background in the field.

Parenthetical definition:

Debasement (increasing the base metal content of a coin) of Roman silver coinage during the Crisis of the Third Century resulted in a distrust of the currency (Elliot, 141).

Sentence definition:

Term Class Distinguishing Features
Debasement A monetary policy Increasing the base metal of a coin to reduce its precious metal content lowering the intrinsic value of the coin.



Debasement is a policy where a government increased the proportion of base metal in a coin to reduce its precious metal content lowering the intrinsic value of the coin.

Expanded definition:



Debasement is a combination of the verb “debase” created from the prefix de (to put down) and the verb base (to lower in condition) with the addition of the suffix ment (“de-prefix”; “base”; “debasement”).

What is debasement and how does it work?

Debasement is a policy where a government increases the proportion of base metal (usually copper) in a coin it mints to reduce its precious metal (gold or silver) content. Creating coins of a lower fineness allows more coins to be produced with the same or lesser amount of precious metal than previously. This makes the coins minted after debasement worth less than those created before the debasement of the coin while affecting the appearance of the debased coins (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Debasement of Roman Silver Coinage. (Cheung, “Roman Silver Coins from the Early Second to Mid Third Century C.E.”)

Historical Examples:

The Roman emperor, Nero, debased the silver coinage during his reign bringing the ratios of silver in Roman coins in line with those of the Greek east. This led to Nero’s silver coinage being worth less than earlier silver coinage (Schwei, 130-131). Septimius Severus also debased his silver coinage, but he did so to the extent that a denarius (a silver coin) was no longer worth sixteen asses (bronze coins), its nominal value (Elliot, 138; Jones, 163).


“base, v.1.” OED Online, Oxford University Press, June 2022, www.oed.com/view/Entry/15855. Accessed 9 June 2022.

“de-, prefix.” OED Online, Oxford University Press, June 2022, www.oed.com/view/Entry/47600. Accessed 9 June 2022.

“debasement, n.” OED Online, Oxford University Press, March 2022, www.oed.com/view/Entry/47833. Accessed 8 June 2022.

Cheung, David. “Roman Silver Coins from the Early Second to Mid Third Century C.E”

Elliot, Colin P. “The Acceptance and Value of Roman Silver Coinage in the Second and Third Centuries AD.” The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-), vol. 174, 2014, pp. 129–52. JSTOR,      http://www.jstor.org/stable/44710189. Accessed 9 Jun. 2022.

Jones, G. D. B. “The Roman Mines at Riotinto.” The Journal of Roman Studies, vol. 70, 1980, pp. 146–65. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/299560. Accessed 9 Jun. 2022.

Schwei, David S. “Exchange Rates, Neronian Silver Standards, and a Long-Term Plan to Unify the Empire’s Mints.” The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-), vol. 177, 2017, pp. 107–34. JSTOR,  http://www.jstor.org/stable/26637374. Accessed 9 Jun. 2022.

Peer Review of a Definition

To Nicole White

From: David Cheung

Date: June 10th, 2022

Peer Review Term: Fuel Cells

Thank you for submitting your definition for Fuel Cells. It was an interesting read. Please see the review of your document and suggestions for improvement below.

First Impressions:

This document appears to be a comprehensive definition of the term “fuel cells”. The four methods of expansion are laid out well, but the document is wordy in places and there are some minor grammatical errors spread throughout the document. Please see below.


  • A good introductory paragraph introducing the context and audience of the document.
  • It is well organized with bolded and underlined headings.


  • Overall, the tone of the document is professional and wording of the document is clear. However, there are places where the document is wordy or confusing.
    • The phrase “combined in a stack” is wordy and can be shortened to stacked together.
    • “A fuel cell is a device that operates like a battery to conduct electricity.”
      • A reader might not know how this process works.


  • The document is complete according to assignment requirements:
    • An introduction
    • Three forms of definition
    • Four types of expansion including a visual
    • A works cited list


The visual does a good job of showing how a fuel cell works to people unfamiliar with them.

Works cited:

With the exception of the last cited work not being formatted properly, the works cited page is excellent.

Grammar and typos:

  • There are a number of typos in this document.
    • “As traditional combustion engines emit carbon dioxide, fuel cells are a low or zero emission alternative that can mitigate the climate crisis…”
      • Considering that this sentence is comparing combustions engines to fuel cells, the sentence should start with the conjunction: “Whereas”.
    • “fuel cells (a hydrogen powered device that produces electricity)…”
      • The term “fuel cells” is plural while “a hydrogen powered device” is singular. This needs correcting.
    • A period is incorrectly placed between the first two sentences explaining figure 1.

Concluding remarks:

Your definition is informative and well organized, thank you. The following changes will make this an excellent document.

  • Editing for typos and grammar is need (see the above)
  • Reformatting the works cited section

Thank you. I would be happy to answer any questions.

Formal Report Proposal

To:                   Dr. Erika Paterson

From:              David Cheung

Date:               June 22, 2022

Subject:          Proposal for Improving Methods of Theft Prevention at Costco Vancouver


Costco Vancouver, a warehouse owned and operated by Costco Wholesale, is located next to the Stadium-Chinatown Skytrain Station in downtown Vancouver. Costco Vancouver services diverse neighborhoods ranging from Yaletown to the Vancouver Downtown Eastside. With the exceptions of accessing the pharmacy or optometrist, a prospective customer needs to purchase a membership for 63 Canadian dollars to enter the store.

Upon obtaining a membership, a member is free to enter the store and shop for goods ranging from flat screen TVs to cat litter. When a member leaves Costco, a member services employee checks the member for purchases, and for mistakes on the member’s receipt. For moving larger goods, such as a refrigerator, a member can use a cart with a low profile called a flatbed. Members who park their vehicles next to the street often leave their flatbeds in place when they leave. Unlike regular shopping carts, the wheels of a flatbed do not lock if pushed beyond a certain point.

Statement of Problem

Due to Costco Vancouver’s proximity to a Skytrain station and the Downtown Eastside, thieves target the store. Thieves often enter the store using the loophole of accessing the pharmacy or optometrist.

The theft of flatbeds is a problem (each flatbed costs about 300 dollars). As laid out in the employee contract, Costco employees are to provide excellent service to our members and to reward Costco shareholders. The theft of flatbeds results in the inability to meet either goal via the cost incurred to Costco shareholders and the inconvenience incurred on Costco members.


Proposed Solution

A possible solution for limiting theft within Costco Vancouver include keeping people without good cause or memberships out of the store (Only the main corporate office can close the existing loophole), and sending loss prevention employees to intercept persons of questionable character.

A possible solution for the theft of flatbeds includes having employees from the buggies department (those in charge of bringing up shopping carts from the parking lot) gather flatbeds from the parking lot in one location. The Buggies and Member Services department can also quickly look for flatbeds left along the street if they have staff available.


To access the viability of improved and new methods of theft prevention, I plan to pursue four areas of inquiry:

  1. What are the existing policies for theft prevention?
  2. Are these policies being enforced?
  3. Can the existing policies be improved and added to?
  4. Do the changes adhere to Costco policy?


My primary data sources will be the management of Costco Vancouver, members of the Costco Member Services and Buggies team, and the security detail of Costco Vancouver.

Secondary sources will include the existing policy for theft prevention and the Costco employee contract.

My Qualifications

I have been a Costco member services employee for six months. One of my duties is to stop thief of Costco goods. I have also been briefed on Costco procedure and codes of conduct. My training and association with various parties at Costco gives me the opportunity to conduct an in-depth study.


Clearly, action is required to reduce the costs and the inconvenience incurred to Costco members due to theft at Costco Vancouver. By addressing the four areas of inquiry mentioned earlier, I can determine the feasibility of improving upon and adding to anti-theft measures. With your approval, I will begin research immediately.

Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: David Cheung, ENGL301 Student
Date: July 8, 2022
Subject: Progress on Report for Improving Methods of Theft Prevention at Costco Vancouver

  • audience for report: Angela Ignacio (assistant front end manager at Costco Vancouver)
  • purpose of report: Improving Methods of Theft Prevention at Costco Vancouver
  • significance of report: Costco Code of ethics require emplyees to take care of our members and reward our shareholders. Preventing theft will reward our shareholders by loss of sales or replacing a stolen flatbed. Costco can take care of its members by ensuring flatbeds are available to members at all times through preventing the loss of flatbeds.
  • research plan:
    • Problems: Non-members inflict losses on Costco. Demand for flatbeds outstripped supply over the Canada day long weekend due to a number of them being lost.
    • My primary data will come from the attached survey sent out to Costco staff.
    • My secondary research plans involve studying the Costco Employee Agreement and current procedure for the door staff.
    • Create graphics and find relevant images
  • writing schedule:

July 14-16:                  Have graphics for report finished, send out surveys

July 17-20:                  Write draft report

July 18-August 2         Complete report

Theft prevention survey

Proposal Memorandum


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: David Cheung, ENGL301 Student
Date: June 22, 2022
Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Improving Methods of Theft Prevention at Costco Vancouver

According to the requirements of the lesson 2.1 assignment, I have posted my formal report proposal for improving methods of theft prevention at Costco Vancouver on my team forum Team Nicole. The word doc is also attached below.

My research proposal contains the following:

• Audience Description – Angela Ingacio, Costco Front End Assistant Manager
• Introduction of Topic – Loopholes that allow theft
 Statement of Problem – Negative impacts of theft
• Proposed Solutions – Ensuring that the loopholes are not abused, and mobilizing staff to perform preventative action
• Scope of Questions – Existing anti-theft measures, enforcement, possible improvement and changes, meeting Costco standards.
• Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Surveys, observation, interviews, and written sources
• My Qualifications – Deep understanding and enthusiasm for the problem
• Conclusion – Summarizes the positive benefits of preventing theft

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the proposal.

Enclosure: David Cheung


Linkedin Best Practices Memorandum


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: David Cheung, ENGL301 Student
Date: July 5, 2022
Subject: Research Concerning Best Practices for Professional Networking on Linkedin

As you have requested for July 5, 2022, I have read the provided sources concerning networking on Linkedin. I have compiled a list of best practices for networking on Linkedin below.

Best Practices For Professional Networking on Linkedin are:

  • Creating and maintaining a Linkedin account
      • creating a Linkedin account with a profile picture
        • a profile picture attracts more views
      • maintaining the account via keeping recent work experience, resumes, and references up to date
        • first impressions gained glancing at a profile are important
      • posting content such as work achievements and projects
    • Connecting with relevant parties
      • connecting with former colleagues and classmates
        • this should be done in a personalized manner to increase the likelihood the recipient will read the message
      • reaching out to people who are connected to your colleagues who work in your field of interest
      • joining linkedin groups associated with your field of interest
      • asking for specific advice from those in your field of interest
      • promote those in your network and their achievements
    • Keeping things professional
  • Only posting what you want a prospective employer to see.

Enclosure: David Cheung

Evan Crisp Memorandum


July 14 2022

TO: Evan Crisp, Prospective Student

FROM: David Cheung, ENGL 301 Student

SUBJECT: Writing Professional Emails


Here is the advice you requested on writing emails. The following points result in a more professional email.

Tips for writing a professional email

An effective email addressed to your professor follows the points below:

  • Adding a subject line informing the professor about the contents of the email
  • Using a professional email, and using a professional tone increases the chances of the email being read
    • Beginning with a formal salutation like “Dear Professor Lambert” is important
  • Eliminating grammatical errors, wordy sentences, and abbreviations increases the readability of the document
  • Formatting the document to eliminate unnecessary spaces between paragraphs increases the readability of the document
  • Incorporating important details within the body of the email emphasizing the importance of the details
  • Giving a compelling reason for a reply
  • Finishing with a professional conclusion


Email is a vital communication tool. Following the above will increase the likelihood your professor will read and reply to your email. If you have any questions, please email me at dbhcheung@gmail.com.

Letter of Complaint and Negative Adjustment Letter

Letter of Complaint

David Cheung

123 Fake Street

Vancouver, BC


July 18, 2022

Corsair warranty


Attention: Warranty Department

Subject: Faulty front USB C port

While I was building my computer June of last year, the USB C port cable in my Corsair 4000 D Airflow computer case shorted my computer whenever I booted it. I am writing to request that your send a front USB component so that I can replace the faulty part as per the 2 year warranty that came with my purchase.

I purchased the case June 2021 from Amazon. And have the receipt from the purchase.

Your 2 year warranty and the quality of the 4000D Airflow case were major selling points. Only your company is known for the thought put into the design of computer cases and the quality of those cases.

Please let me know if the part I requested will be sent.



David Cheung

Email: dbhcheung@gmail.com

Negative Adjustment Letter

July 18, 2022

Mr. David Cheung

123 Fake Street

Vancouver, BC. V5R XXX

Dear Mr. Cheung:

When we advertise the Corsair 4000D computer case’s warranty, we stress that it is a quality product that can be sent in to be repaired if the product is defective.

Although the warranty for your Corsair 4000D computer case is still valid, we do not send parts as a part of the warranty.

The case can be mailed back in to be exchanged or you can take the case to a Corsair reseller near you for repairs or exchange.

Yours truly,

David Cheung

Agent, Customer Services

Formal Report Peer Review

To: Dale Miller
From: David Cheung
Date: July 27, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Dale’s formal draft

Good job with regards to this formal report draft. The draft provides a concise evaluation of the question of whether OP Media group should keep its current office in some form, move into another office or become a fully remote business. Please consider the following suggestions for improving the final version of the report.

Initial Impressions:

The draft is well organized and details the cost and benefits of OP Media’s options for having an office or going full remote. The draft contains all the sections required for this assignment. However, there are some areas that need improvement. The draft needs to address certain points that cause confusion for the reader.


The information given during the introduction and results section were the most informative sections. The report identifies and analyzes a problem and recommends four possible options including OP Media staying in its current office as is, or in a smaller version of the current office, or move to another office, or forego an office altogether. The results of the survey were also informative and add to analysis of the problem at hand.

Although the above sections are informative, the sections need to be lengthened to meet the requirements of the assignment. The report is logically laid out with sections that make sense for the report. Although most of the report is geared towards the reader, the reader probably already knows what is mentioned in parts of the intro. These parts can be cut or shortened.


The organization of the draft is clear and effective with headings and page numbers. The text is also written in short paragraphs. Some of the figures listed may confuse the reader.

  • OP Media Group is currently renting a 3,000 square foot office space at 1166 Alberni Street at a cost of $12,000 per month, or $720,000.
    • Though it can be assumed that the highlighted figure is per annum, stating that it is per annum would increase readability


The tone of the report is objective, positive, and reflects the “you-attitude” towards the reader emphasized in Technical Communication

There are parts of the draft which are wordy

  • seek to get a space with reduced capacity
    • “to get” is redundant in this sentence


The graphs provided help visualize the survey results. Overall, the report draft is reader-friendly and visually appealing. Adding a space between paragraphs my increase the readability of this document.


This section provides well-thought-out solutions on whether OP Media should move or stay in its current, albeit smaller, office.

Feel free to ask me any questions