Self Reflection

The major project that we did in Comm296 was a creative project that was different from all the other projects that I have done for past of my commerce courses. First of all, it is a project about a brand that is chosen by every individual group rather the whole class is assigned to focus on the same brand. Second, the way how the project conduct is not by giving a verbal presentation in class. Instead, it is required to be a video. The advantage of a making a video is that it gives more flexibility for a group to develop the project with their creativity. Last but not least, it is a memorable video that can be saved and can be taken out of the classroom to share with other people. Our group did an animation video like a cartoon rather than having real people presenting in front of the camera. By doing in this way, it is more vivid and can catch more attentions from others.

I am grateful that I had the opportunity to work with a group of people with diversity background, and I gained more knowledge through all the discussions. During our conversations, I learnt to be patient and be respectful to my teammates during the meetings even when I had a fantastic idea. The biggest thing that I learnt was to make a decision by myself. I was an indecisive person before, and I tend to ask other people’s suggestions when it comes to a situation where I need to make a decision. Basically, I overcame this problem by several steps throughout the project. I generate self-confidence by trying to speak up more during the meetings because I knew that expressing a wrong opinion is better than expressing nothing. The next thing that I tried to do was not to care too much about what others think about my opinion. Specifically, I took more time to research what forms we can use for the video. I realized that I would gain more authority by doing research. I did research on which brand had the best review for business animation video software. Finally, I suggested using “Go Animate” to make the video, and our group made an agreement in this decision.

Overall, our group had a great time working together. This marketing project on “Zara” really made me learn a lot, I learnt to make a decision by doing research. Also, I have strengthened my communication skill with this opportunity. I will take this as an enjoyable experience and apply the stuff that I have learnt into my future projects.

Why everyone is playing Candy Crush Saga in the classroom?

Referred to the marketing analysis that was written on Forbes about a popular Facebook game called Candy Crush Saga, the author Roger Dooley thoroughly analysis about this Candy Crush game by interpreting some of the principles that we learnt in class. In fact, there are some reasonable factors that why Candy Crush Saga is so successful that it can generate close to a million dollars of revenue per day for its developer (Forbes, 2013).

First of all, the connotations of candy are pleasure, joy and sweet. People can associate this game with a positive attitude since Facebook is a platform that intends to convey a sense of relaxes and that allows you to have friendly interactions with one and another. The role of candy displays a liking principle because the creation of this likable image attracts lots of people to play around with it.

Second, the game is downloaded for free. However, this is where it applies the reciprocity principle into this game. When people are not willing to pay for the games and enjoy playing it for free at first, and later on people might get addicted to it and might not be able to reject the paid items at higher difficult levels. People who consistently play the game from the first level put a lot of effort into the game, so the devoted consumers are more likely to pay for the paid items just because they have stick to this game for very long already.

Last but not least, the limited chance of playing every day increases one’s desires to play this game due to the “scarcity” principle.

Indeed, the overall design of the game is very smart. After analyzing about the secret sauce of Candy Crush Saga, it is understandable that why people nowadays are so addicted into it.




Why Samsung want to distract itself with housing appliance?

While Apple is attracting its customers with their new IPhones, what Apple is actually focusing on is how to design a more efficient MacBook. While Samsung is competing its Galaxy phone and tablets with Apple’s IPhone and IPad, Samsung is distracting itself with home appliances by creating a series of “digital home appliances” on the other side. According to the news on, the lately Samsung Wifi-equipped washing machines come with the app that allows people to control the machine and will be buzzing their phones to inform people while the clothes are dry. Furthermore, Samsung conveys the idea of having a Samsung T.V hanging on the wall and a Galaxy 4S in your pocket; you will want a Samsung dishwasher under your counter. Samsung Digital home appliance has also created the Samsung vacuum robots that can vacuum the house automatically and can design a house map and designing a convenient route in advance. Also, Samsung captures the tremendous growth in U.S housing market and Chinese market. Since the pollution in China has been a severe problem, Samsung had designed the kind of

air sterilizers that can effectively purify the air at home, and it can even sterilize bacteria and viruses like SARS, bird flu, and other deadly viruses. By capturing the social and economic changes in different countries, Samsung had done an excellent job in creating “smart” housing appliances to satisfy customers’ needs. Therefore, Samsung is so firm that is willing to increase its breadth with housing appliances. Samsung is able to greatly provide this economic of scale based on the successfully platform that Samsung has already built for itself. Since many of the home appliances are shopping goods, Samsung will have to do a lot of marketing to let its home appliances be more outstanding. Since Samsung has differentiated its home appliances with digital features, people will not be surprised that the particular increase of breadth with Samsung housing appliances will certainly boost its net profit and sales.

