Folding the Map

Everything is done, the grades are posted, comments sent.  Please contact me if you have a question or if you just want to let me know what creative and exciting things you are up to.

Thank-you all for a wonderful journey.

I hope all your maps lead you to very very interesting places.

Keep your tickle trunks full.

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Map of Thursday

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Invitation to the Final Presentation

We invite you to come and share in a showing of the final class projects of the UBC/GNWC summer course:  Mapping Empire.

Eleven students in a variety of graduate and undergraduate programs from both UBC and SFU have been working on site specific installations all over the  great Northern Way Campus.  Each one is based on the theme of Maps, reflecting memory mapping, political mapping, stories as maps, personal histories, dreams or relationships as maps of the self…extending the significance of the word MAP.

DATE: Thursday July 26, 2007
TIME: from 6:30PM (likely until 8:30 or 9PM)
LOCATION: Great Northern Way Campus, 555 Great Northern Way.  We will begin at the parking lot near the Conference Room on the west side of the main building.

+++++ Please come dressed comfortably and for whatever weather we have that day.  We will be walking all over the campus in both indoor and outdoor locations+++++

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Almost There


When working this final week consider the following:

1) Use of the site/space
2) Aural/Visual/Textual/Physical elements
3) Use of levels, topography, shape, repetition, tempo
4) What does the audience feel/learn/take away with them?

If every point in #2 and #3 is not included that is fine, just look at these things and consider how they are used in your piece, their balance (or imbalance!) and whether adjusting/adding/taking away one of them will change the meaning or impact.

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You Are Here

youarehere1.JPGYou are Here. Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination by Katherine Harmon.
NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2004.

Had I found this 3 months ago, I would have made it the course textbook. There are musings, writings, and lovely illustrations of everything frovisnus-footprints.JPGm maps in children’s books to photographic maps of journey. Body Maps, Memory Maps, Political Maps. Maps real and imagined.

Many of the topics that we have discovered, experienced and developed over the past months are touched on – though I would say what you are doing in your projects are a development and extension of what is introduced here. Take the ideas farther…making your own maps of territory, empire, self , body, memory, and history.


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Themes and Thoughts

Seeing, Feeling and Interpreting Space
Developing a relationship WITH space and location

Collect source material that inspires you
Work kinesthetically – play with the source material and your impulses

Use a variety of tools – ones from your own area of expertise, and new ones you are just beginning to experiment with.


Spatial Relationship



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Genome Map

Genomes – Maps of the living body?  Who owns the maps of these genomes?
Genome Map

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Le Petit Prince

“Well?” said the geographer expectantly.

“Oh, where I live,” said the little prince, “it is not very interesting. It is all so small. I have three volcanoes. Two volcanoes are active and the other is extinct, but one never knows.”

“One never knows,” said the geographer.

“I also have a flower.”

“We do not record flowers,” said the geographer.

“Why is that? The flower is the most beautiful thing on my planet!”

“We do not record flowers,” said the geographer, “because they are ephemeral.”

Antoine Saint-Exupéry The Little Prince 1943

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Emotional Mapping

Here’s an article on emotional mapping…interesting combination of technology and the human body.

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Re-evaluating the Web

A wonderful video on how information is mapped on the web.

Please enable Javascript and Flash to view this Flash video.

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