You Are Here

youarehere1.JPGYou are Here. Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination by Katherine Harmon.
NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2004.

Had I found this 3 months ago, I would have made it the course textbook. There are musings, writings, and lovely illustrations of everything frovisnus-footprints.JPGm maps in children’s books to photographic maps of journey. Body Maps, Memory Maps, Political Maps. Maps real and imagined.

Many of the topics that we have discovered, experienced and developed over the past months are touched on – though I would say what you are doing in your projects are a development and extension of what is introduced here. Take the ideas farther…making your own maps of territory, empire, self , body, memory, and history.


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1 Response to You Are Here

  1. Nick Harrison says:

    Now that is one very cool book. I have ordered it on Amazon and am looking forward to getting it soon!

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