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Groundwater Extraction

Nestlé, a multi-billionaire Switzerland organization, takes 265 million litres of water from B.C. every year for a staggering price of $0. Due to lax groundwater regulation laws Nestlé is able to steal our freshwater and sell it back to us for a profit.

From a business perspective Nestlé is doing nothing wrong as they are not breaking any rules or regulations, however from an individual perspective it raises ethical question. How can a company simply take our water, and reap the profits without taking any penalties? Businesses tend to think of how to maximize their own profits holding little regard to anything but themselves –  they prioritize their own well-being which leads to low ethical values

There can be serious implications when we look at this in a long-term view.  When do you suppose Nestlé will stop pumping out the water from underground? Logically, it would seem to me that they would stop when there is no more water supply.  It’s water that is owned by the people, not a corporation. We, as consumers, have to cease this insanity by stopping ourselves from buying their bottled water and telling them that what they’re doing is wrong. They’re not going to let down their greed if we keep feeding it.

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