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With the constant releases of new products, it’s no wonder that Apple has risen to the top spot as the #1 company in the world. How Apple has been able to achieve such massive success throughout the years is because they’re not limited in their business perspective and they look to expand towards new ideas: the new iphone 5s being a prime example with its new state of the art fingerprint scanner. The new fingerprint scanner is simple and reliable: exactly what Apple stands for. Apple became the number one company through the introduction of technological innovations. They take risks in adding new features in their products to differentiate themselves from competitors, which led to their undoubted success.

In addition to product variety, they’re clearly able to target and satisfy the needs of their audiences. An example being our class: the first day I walked into Comm 101 I saw that 90% of students were using a macbook. With all the different laptops out there, 90% of our class had Apple laptops. Honestly, even when the word apple is mentioned, some people tend to think of macbooks/iphones rather than the actual fruit. It just shows how strong their brand identity is, and how big of an influence they have on people.

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