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Guide To Business

I am a colossal fan of the TV series Breaking Bad, but throughout the years I’ve never realized the business aspect of the show. For those of you who are not die-hard fans, like me, it’s a story about how an average high school chemistry teacher gets diagnosed with cancer and eventually proceeds in the production of methamphetamine to provide for his family after he dies.

There are some key lessons to be taught throughout the show, the first being: businesses who gain tremendous growth are from unanticipated places, because they are the ones who bring in new and fresh ideas into the industry. Walter White, previously high school chemistry teacher, uses his chemistry research knowledge to create the purest meth possible; a high school teacher would really not be someone you expect to cook meth. Using Breaking Bad as a real world parallel, there are 3 things which make a prosperous business:  ambition, quality, and partners/alliances. All of these are accurately displayed throughout the show. In the end of the show, however, we finally see our hero, Walter White, go to shame. There were many opportunities for him to walk away as a wealthy man, however he continued his journey because of his lust for greed which ended up making him a criminal. He put himself above everyone else and was even able to justify the killing of another person because of money. In conclusion, running a business can eventually turn a sane person into a lunatic as they eventually lose sight of their purpose and disregard morals and ethics – shown in Breaking Bad.

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