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Li, Jing Wei (Jack)’s Blog: Online Hurricane

Undeniably, technology has become a big part of our everyday lives. If we were compare technology to pills, it has progressed from being a stimulant to being a depressant. At first technology has helped us become more efficient in everyday tasks, but we’ve become so dependent on it that it has become an addication – something we can’t live without. Which is why if you were to start a new business, creating a website is the perfect marketing strategy to garner attention. With the low implemented costs of sustaining a website, you’re able to target a large customer segment. Whether it be the local crowd or the global mass, a website can take your business to new heights as long as you utilise it efficiently – it can become your companies strongest weapon. What about newspaper ads you say? No way Jose, what do you see 90% of the time when you walk onto a bus or a subway? I’ll tell you, phones and lots of em. The world is not what it used to be from 10 years ago. Technology has taken the world by a storm and people must change with the times if they wish to producing a thriving business.

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