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Zhang, Zhen Yi’s Blog: Do Alcohol and Work Mix??

I agree with David’s point that employee satisfaction is key in making any business a success. When employees are happy with their jobs, productivity is bound to be greater than when employees are unsatisfied. That being said the business in this article has a very peculiar organizational culture in which alcohol is actually being given to employees within the workplace.  Is this method really necessary to provide employee satisfaction? I’m a big fan of this company, Deskbeers, as they advocate the idea of  relaxation to their employees. I mean what better way than to pop open a few beers on a Friday night with fellow employees to relieve a stressful week? It’s a fun idea, but I can see a mountain of problems arising from consuming alcohol within the workplace. It’s definitely important to motivate your employees but I feel like this idea is overstepping boundaries. As the CEO of a company, it’s important to build and maintain strong relationships with employees; however there are many other ways you can connect with employees besides buying alcohol for them, as I believe it will promote unhealthy work habits in the long run.

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