Archive for October, 2013

A Deeper Look at Colours in Marketing

Companies are trying to get consumers attention by attracting through colours.

On a regular basis, we don’t think of why a product or a brand is a certain colour – we just take it how it is. However, there is a lot of behind-the-scene work that goes into it. While reading Jin Park’s blog post on Colour Marketing, I decided to look more into the relationship between different colours in products and their impact on consumers. Jin used the example of Dewalt power tools being yellow and black, in comparison to other power tools which are mainly grey. He goes on to state that this attract attention and make consumers perceive “ manliness and [a] professional look”.

There is a lot of research done in this area of advertising in respect to psychology. Research conducted by Marie-Christine Lichtlé dives a little deeper as she suggests that “the attitude towards an ad is influenced by the emotion it arouses” (Lichtlé,2007,p. 43) .  Lichtlé’s shows that the effect of the colour is based on a person’s optimal stimulation level (OSL). For individuals with high OSLs, the attitude towards the ad is more favourable when the ad is of a red hue when it is strongly saturated” (Lichtlé,2007, p.17). Lichtlé concluded saying that colour does not affect everyone identically (as it is based on OSL) and marketers need to take that into consideration when decided colours.

However, whether indirectly or directly, the colour does create some response.  It could also be beneficial for market researchers to further segment the market in order to maximize returns and positive effects from the colour since individuals have different OSL levels.

                Also, we naturally associate colours with descriptive words and ideas that match. Furthermore, as Jin mentioned in his blog-the fact that colour attracts attention. It can be a point of difference in a competitive market. When used correctly, it is a cost effective method that can assist on brand awareness and success.



Jin Park Blog Post:

Lichtlé M. (2007). The effect of an advertisement’s colour on emotions evoked by an ad and attitude towards the ad: The moderating role of the optimal stimulation level. International Journal of Advertising, 26, 37–62


Galaxy Gear–Misplaced Marketing

Samsung recently launched 2 new additions to their product line: Galaxy Note 3 and the compatible Galaxy Gear. The product I want to focus on is the Galaxy Gear-a digital watch designed to receive notifications and constantly be synced to your phone. With its sleek silver design of the 1.63 touch screen, the Gear provides quick access to technology in a not-so-noticeably-embarrassing-way. Some of the features of the Galaxy Gear include a watch (obviously), music, ability to answer a call, S Voice for commands, notifications from device, voice memo and last but not least the memographer—a camera. (1) The memographer particularly grabbed my attention. Although it is on the side of the strap, it takes good quality photos and is very easily accessible. (2) Also, the device includes a fitness log which will attract individuals who enjoy the sleek convenient access to information. 

Samsung could’ve used a stronger launch and introduction to this product. First of all, there has been no commercials or advertisements seen leading up to this product launch unlike the Samsung S3 which was immensely marketed and successful. Only after some negative reviews has Samsung started marketing which should’ve happened right away. (3)Furthermore, it is currently only compatible with the new Galaxy Note 3. Knowing that the product is not compatible may make the consumer disinterested since it doesn’t apply to them.  Samsung states that the product will be compatible with some of the other Samsung phones soon but this gives time for other phone companies to create a smart watch and take the target market-especially since Apple is rumored to join this market. (4) I think that an increase of compatibility and a greater marketing launch would have strengthened Samsung position in this market in the future and increase interest and sales of this product from the beginning.



(2)Examples of photos taken:!slide=1253198



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