Archive for December, 2013

Insights on Video Assignment

Whenever there is a group project assigned, usually the first assumption is that there will be a presentation at the end of the term. It was refreshing and interesting that a different approach was taken by doing a video; the first video project assigned in university. As this approach is new and unique to the marketing course for the required second year courses, it is important to analyse and look at a comparison to the alternative – a presentation.

The advantages I noticed from doing the video assignment were the communication skills, technical skills of filming, and that the assignment was different and unique. In order to be efficient and to fit within the time constraint, my team members and I needed to efficiently portray information in the best way and align meaningful video footage. However, presentations have advantages likewise. A presentation provides the verbal communication skills that are needed in everyday situations as a business professional, whether that is in front of a group of individuals or the transferable skills for smaller group discussion. Another important aspect of team effort as well as sound knowledge is evident during question periods.

Both methods provide communication skills and involve a large aspect of creativity of putting information into forms that are appealing and can maintain attention of the viewer.

As stated by Forbes, one of the top 10 skills employers is “technical knowledge related to job”( 1). Personally, in the job that I envision doing, the technical skills of video editing and filming are not applicable and perhaps other technical usages in presentations would be.

Additionally, the assignment consisted of review of classmates’ videos. I thought this was a useful experience. It was good to see other students’ creative ideas and methods of filming. There were several times in which I thought “ Wow, that is a really cool idea. I wish I had thought of that!” It was interesting to see different perspectives and analyse videos from a third person objective. This helped to look at my team’s video from that perspective instead of a personal one. Additionally, receiving advice is also useful and can be used in the future for other assignments.


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