Archive for January, 2010

Fast Fashion (Supply Chain)

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Trend is a significant aspect in fashion that consumers follow and retailers must keep up. The retailers must recognize and supply consumers’ demand quickly according to the trend. In order to keep up with this fast fashion, the retailers must recognize the consumers’ choice and situation, then have a flexible and efficient supply chain to […]

Employee Loyalty

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

“There are some people, no matter what you do for them, it’s never going to be enough. If they’re not making $1 million in a year, they leave.” – a mentality (entitlement) in [the Silicon Valley] (Employee Loyalty by Cheryl Breetwor) The article titled “Employee Loyalty” is an interview with Cheryl Breetwor who ran a […]

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