Marketing: Four Trends into Success

by Chase ~ April 17th, 2010. Filed under: Comm 101.

According to the a Board Member of the Canadian Marketing Association and an executive for the National Advertising Benevolent Society of Quebec, Mitch Joel, there are four key factors of trend that will change marketing forever; touch, analytics, one-line and location-aware.

As a commerce student having an interest of going into marketing, these four factors seem significant for me to familiarize.

From phones to mp3 to navigation system or any types of device, it is notable that technology is focused on simple and quick to use methods.  This brings the trend of touch screens (example). Personally, I prefer typing and clicking than touching. I would usually get frustrated at either the sensitivity or the inconsistency of the device. The conception of being on one-line which is the linkage between all different devices (example) is the drift of today’s technology. The combination with the trend of touch to one-line would make a hit in marketing.

Analytics is another trend that companies should concentrate their motives into collecting detailed data.

Lastly, the ability that allows people to publish, receive and follow information which brings a location-aware is the concept that is popular among social networks these days.

Whether I prefer the use of it or not, the world’s marketing is changing based on these four trends, and Mitch Joel is suggesting that these will be fixed into a creation of new and successful business models. Therefore, we all should not necessary follow but familiarize and consider these trends.

Work Cited:

For Current Trends That Will Change Marketing Forever by Mitch Joel (Web) (

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