3D Drives Marketing into a Whole New Level

by Chase ~ September 21st, 2010. Filed under: Marketing (Comm 296).

Eye-catching. Fancy! EXTRAORDINARY. COOL!

These are some of the words that might come into your mind when you check out the newly created website of Off The Wall.

Using the ever so popularizing 3D effect, the clothing retailer Off The Wall and the clothing store Bench has taken marketing to a whole new level with technology.

When I first played the Bench ‘Art of the Street’ 3D Video, I got attracted by the music. However, the fast past visuals kept me unfocused on the details of the video. Nevertheless, this idea of “3D”  in marketing glasses, postcards, videos, prizes and the look-book in the website seem so brilliant and perfect for the ages of youth. Off The Wall and Bench has recognized the popular trend from the Hollywood Movies and branded themselves by marketing with “going 3D everything”. This is a perfect example of creating and adding value to their brand, stores and products for their target market; youth.

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This 3D marketing shows the unique and creative ideas marketing is taking its steps into, and it is definitely what the kids are going to be talking about at their schools with friends.

1 Response to 3D Drives Marketing into a Whole New Level

  1.   Kim Choy

    I certainly agree with you Chase, after walking in so many shopping arcades/ malls and electronic stores. It seems to me that the 3D industry is not only heavily developing its industry and product but also desperately finding a new market! This however, leaves me to the question of ‘Can the market (consumers) follow up with the technology?’ Would the transition be smooth and short, or would it take 10 years or even 20 years before everyone wants a 3D TV?

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