Nike turns NBA superstars into PUPPETS

by Chase ~ October 16th, 2010. Filed under: Marketing (Comm 296).

In a group of commercials, Nike produced a special contribution for the 2009 NBA Playoffs that features two of the highest performers and most popular NBA superstars today: Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. Only, not the players themselves but as PUPPETS!

As an NBA/Kobe Bryant fan, I enjoyed these commercials a lot. There are many episodes that are “short and sweet”, which are humorous as well as a right-on portrait in representation of the superstars’ characteristics, achievements and products. These features of the commercials kept me entertained and I just couldn’t stop watching them.

This is one of the commericials: YouTube Preview Image

Nike spokesman Kejuan Wilkins stated about these commercials that “this is about celebrating two of the game’s best players and giving fans a glimpse into their personalities, not only on the court, but away from the game.

These types of commercials are what makes Nike. The brand image and the value of the brand it gives out to their target markets; in this case of commercials, the NBA/basketball fans. Even without featuring their products in the commercial, Nike does an effective job of selling their brand and creating value to the customers by representing it with popular stars such as Kobe and LeBron. All the commercial needs is one simple Nike logo at the end to show that these superstars represent Nike Basketball.

If you are either a Kobe or LeBron fan like me, you can enjoy all the episodes of these commercials at MVPs – Kobe & Lebron Puppet All Episodes

2 Responses to Nike turns NBA superstars into PUPPETS

  1.   Caoimhe

    Can someone recommend Spanking Knickers? Cheers x

  2.   Barbara Cottle

    Hi, great post! I liked reading it. You’re always so informative.

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