Mercedes-Benz C-Class

by Chase ~ October 30th, 2010. Filed under: Marketing (Comm 296).

When Mercedes-Benz introduced the new C-Class, they used a diversification strategy for the growth of their brand. C-Class is an entry-level luxury sedan which is a new category of vehicle products to a new market segment. Mercedes, who is a known brand for their luxurious and expansive vehicles recognized the need to target new market segments who can’t afford the expansive $100,000 vehicles but wishes to drive a car with a name that “looks good” in front of their peers. C-Class granted the wishes of these segment groups with prices starting at only $31,975, yet it still offers the customers with the brand image of being Mercedes-Benz.

This TV commercial gets this point across to the consumers in a short but filled with strong facts that shows their brand image which gives the customers the trust, value and reliability of their brand: YouTube Preview Image

As the commercial says “Why? Because we promise you a Mercedes-Benz.”, the brand of Mercedes-Benz is a promise to their customers. So even with the less luxurious and cheaper products that they offer, the C-Class, this promise of their brand is strongly kept. That phrase almost gave me goose bums that implemented a powerful feeling of attraction to the brand. Also, the usage of the word “we” gave me a feeling of closeness and trust of having a relationship with the brand.

2 Responses to Mercedes-Benz C-Class

  1.   Eileen's Blog | Mercedes-Benz C-Class Redefined

    […] agree with Chase’s article- Mercedes-Benz C-Class in how its debut has brought forth the attention of a new segment of consumers who cannot afford […]

  2.   Eileen

    Hey Chase, I like your Mercedes-Benz C-Class post and I’v decided to elaborate a little bit more on the creating value aspect of it.

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