Fast Fashion (Supply Chain)

by Chase ~ January 26th, 2010. Filed under: Comm 101.

Trend is a significant aspect in fashion that consumers follow and retailers must keep up. The retailers must recognize and supply consumers’ demand quickly according to the trend. In order to keep up with this fast fashion, the retailers must recognize the consumers’ choice and situation, then have a flexible and efficient supply chain to support those demand.

This process is depended by the operating element of the company. In fashion industry, it is vital to keep the days of inventory as low as possible. This requires the industry to process accordingly and correctly to the demand and have a flexible variability. The capacity of inventory must be measured accurately so that it wouldn’t be higher than the demand nor too low in order to maximize profit.

A direct supply chain management would make a great business for fast fashion as it is advantageous in obtaining valuable information on the demand, as well as people are able to consume the exact design or style of what they want. Also, direct supplying would prevent any over producing as the industry would manufacture just the right amount according to the demand.

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