Toyota’s Recall

by Chase ~ February 11th, 2010. Filed under: Comm 101.

Toyota Pedals

Toyota vehicles have been under the scope lately with numerous  vehicles getting recalled due to accelerator and brake pedal failures. These pedal failures of Toyota vehicles were blamed on for a number of accidents leading to deaths.  The recalls have been massive ranging from 2 to 5 million vehicles in a number of occassions.

These problems are a big concern to Toyota both financially and in the market. Financially, Toyota has been damaged with the cost of the recalls and for repairs. However, in over time, Toyota can recover from this financial damage, but on the other hand, their reputation in the market is not so easy.

It seems to me that there is a possibility of media exaggerating the blame for the accidents of the Toyota vehicles in order to push away the competition and in result strengthen the US vehicle companies.

Whatever the situation is, Toyota has lost the trust and reputation from its consumers in the North America and this is a damage that is hard to mend. I think that Toyota should start to look at some of the other markets such as in Europe or Asia where they have a different setting, culture and reputation for Toyota.

4 Responses to Toyota’s Recall

  1.   Recall Guy

    I was reading Fox news and these latest recalls are bad. The recall reports on web sites like aren’t helping either.

  2.   cheap car insurance

    We have had a Toyota for years and never experienced a problem. I am still concerned if the problems are real or if this is just the way the current administration is trying to help out Detroit.

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  4.   capojay

    What’s funny is that, most of the Toyota’s “blamers”, the people who are on the US Congress, are major GM shareholders. Wonder why they want Toyota to look bad hm…

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