Archive for the 'Comm 101' Category

Not so “Blockbusting” Finance

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

In a recent few years, Blockbuster only saw contradicting results to its company name in the financial statement. The failure led from increasing debt but declining assets with resulted in a much higher debt to assets ratio than previous years. The report of fourth quarter and fiscal-year 2009 financial results show: revenue dropping $0.23 billion […]

Marketing: Four Trends into Success

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

According to the a Board Member of the Canadian Marketing Association and an executive for the National Advertising Benevolent Society of Quebec, Mitch Joel, there are four key factors of trend that will change marketing forever; touch, analytics, one-line and location-aware. As a commerce student having an interest of going into marketing, these four factors […]

Carbon Footprint Calculation

Friday, April 9th, 2010

After calculating my carbon footprint, I was not too surprised with the result of low carbon emission. This is because of the fact that I am currently living in a temporary student residence determines and gives me a huge advantage in footprint calculation. The residence does a good job of reducing the electricity/utility costs. I […]

Toyota’s Recovery

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

After the crisis that led from the recall, Toyota needs a recovery plan based on their brand. Their biggest loss from this incident is the trust and reputation of their brand. Toyota used to be known and had success with their quality of the vehicles. However, when this advantageous gap started narrowing, the company focused […]

Electronic Arts’ Unpaid Overtime Results in a Lawsuit: Human Resources Management (Employee treatment)

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

One of the most significant factors in the efficiency of an organization is the human resources management which is the relationship it forms from the treatment of employees in their lifecycle at work. Failure in this aspect would result in employees to have high levels of job stress and dissatisfaction. This can lead to higher […]

Marketers vs. Operators

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Marketers and operators, a tension that is familiar in all businesses, both of these sides only consider their functions the most significant in running a business. However, when it comes down to it, they cannot function effectively without the help of each other. In one of the lectures of Commerce 486G, a situation of contradicting […]

Toyota’s Recall

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Toyota vehicles have been under the scope lately with numerous  vehicles getting recalled due to accelerator and brake pedal failures. These pedal failures of Toyota vehicles were blamed on for a number of accidents leading to deaths.  The recalls have been massive ranging from 2 to 5 million vehicles in a number of occassions. These problems are a big concern to Toyota both financially and […]

A Key Factor to Entrepreneurship: Climate

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Would you find it ridiculous if I claim that climate plays a key role in becoming a successful entrepreneur? In some basic foundation and key factors in becoming a successful entrepreneur, characteristics is one of the most important features that people possess within their inner quality of personality. So what types of characteristics are helpful […]

Fast Fashion (Supply Chain)

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Trend is a significant aspect in fashion that consumers follow and retailers must keep up. The retailers must recognize and supply consumers’ demand quickly according to the trend. In order to keep up with this fast fashion, the retailers must recognize the consumers’ choice and situation, then have a flexible and efficient supply chain to […]

Employee Loyalty

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

“There are some people, no matter what you do for them, it’s never going to be enough. If they’re not making $1 million in a year, they leave.” – a mentality (entitlement) in [the Silicon Valley] (Employee Loyalty by Cheryl Breetwor) The article titled “Employee Loyalty” is an interview with Cheryl Breetwor who ran a […]

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