Pirating has its Advantages?
Based on the blog, “How Netflix knows who wants to watch what” posted on MacLean’s, the writer mentions how Netflix recently revealed their methods in knowing which TV shows or movies would be popular among viewers. Apparently the company looks at pirated file-sharing websites and purchases shows that are the most popular among the torrenting crowd. This idea has earned the company commendation for creativity and popularity in Canada.
Pirated downloads or torrenting has been popular tools used among people to share TV shows and movies. Many viewers prefer not to pay for DVD’s or online movies for the amount of films they watch, hence they try to find other ways in watching movies. Personally I find this blog useful since it shows how companies could benefit from being open minded and using any tools that are available to them, it is interesting to see how being positive in a situation allows you to get the benefits out of something that was disadvantageous to the company. During its expansion, torrenting traffic in the north of the border has halved, showing people’s eagerness to pay for online streaming. Analysts suggested that Netflix’s valuation could soar to $75 billion before 2020.
Taylor-Vaisey, Nick. “How Netflix Knows Who Wants to Watch What.” Web log post. Maclean’s. N.p., 10 Oct. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://www2.macleans.ca/2013/10/10/pirate-raid-22/>.
http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/featured-piratebay-vs-netflix.png (Image)