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What goes around comes around…

Los Angeles filmmaker, Greg Karber got his revenge on Abercrombie & Fitch who only targets “thin and beautiful people” by producing a video where he hands out the brand’s clothing to the homeless. Greg Karber was upset when he found that the company tries to maintain its image by destroying unsold clothing instead of giving it to those in need. This whole action is not just to raise awareness but also to attempt to re-brand the image of the company by diversifying the people who wears Abercrombie & Fitch instead of only thin people.

Abercrombie & Fitch branding and marketing strategy was always to use sex and six-packs to sell clothes, as they believe it leaves loyal customers wanting more. When the retailer’s CEO, Mike Jeffries made the statement that his target market is only thin and beautiful people, it got a lot of negative responses from the public as this was supporting the culture of only valuing looks. Other news that affects the brand image includes excluding plus-sized customers, and forcing the staff to carry out military style exercises to maintain their bodies. The company should consider changing its business model as plus-sized customers take up 67% of America’s purchasing population.




“Abercrombie and Fitch Get a VERY New Look: Filmmaker Hands out Label’s Clothes to LA Homeless in Revenge for CEO ‘only Wanting Thin and Beautiful Customers'” Mail Online. N.p., 15 May 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>. (Image)

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