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Recent Op/Eds
- Beyond doomism and solutionism in response to climate change, University Affairs
- A vision for transforming education in the face of climate and ecological breakdown. Canadian Dimension.
- What do faculty owe future generations? Resilience.
- Views from COP27: How the climate conference could confront colonialism by centring Indigenous rights, The Conversation
- Building a new vision for the world we want, Grassroots International
- My community doesn’t exist just to absolve you of your sins, NYTimes
- The University of California must encourage Indigenous stewardship of UC lands, The Daily Bruin.
- What happened when I tried to carry the world on my back, NYMag
- On telling the truth unflinchingly: Climate catastrophe and colonialism, Atmos
- When good intentions are not enough: how sustainable development goals at universities can perpetuate the issues they’re aimed to address, University Affairs
- Tuition-free college isn’t free when it’s funded by oil and gas, Source NM
- My continent is not your giant climate laboratory, NY Times
- Climate anxiety: An illness of the system, The Mariwala Health Initiative
Case Studies
Academic articles
Indigenous Perspectives
Callison, C. (2021). Refusing more empire: utility, colonialism, and Indigenous knowing. Climatic Change, 167(3), 1-14.
Carmona, R., Reed, G., Ford, J. et al. (2023). Indigenous Peoples’ rights in national climate governance: An analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Ambio.
Davis, H., & Todd, Z. (2017). On the importance of a date, or, decolonizing the Anthropocene. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 16(4), 761-780.
Deranger, E. T., Sinclair, R., Gray, B., McGregor, D., & Gobby, J. (2022). Decolonizing climate research and policy: Making space to tell our own stories, in our own ways. Community Development Journal, 57(1), 52-73.
Gazing Wolf, J., Ignace, D. D., David‐Chavez, D. M., Jennings, L. L., Smiles, D., Blanchard, P., … & Rattling Leaf, J. (2024). Centering Indigenous Knowledges in ecology and beyond. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Hernandez, J., Meisner, J., Jacobs, L. A., & Rabinowitz, P. M. (2022). Re-centering Indigenous knowledge in climate change discourse. PLOS Climate, 1(5).
Hunt, D. (2018). “In search of our better selves”: Totem transfer narratives and Indigenous futurities. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 42(1), 71-90.
Hunt, S. (2022). Unsettling conversations on climate action. The Professional Geographer, 74(1), 135-136.
Jennings, L. et al. (2023). Applying the ‘CARE principles for Indigenous Data Governance’ to ecology and biodiversity research. Nature.
Johnson, J. T., Howitt, R., Cajete, G., Berkes, F., Louis, R. P., & Kliskey, A. (2016). Weaving Indigenous and sustainability sciences to diversify our methods. Sustainability Science, 11, 1-11.
Liboiron, M. (2021). Pollution is colonialism. Duke University Press.
Manda, S., Matenga, C., Mdee, A., Smith, R. & Nkiaka, E. (2024). Challenges for expanding inventories of climate possibilities through Indigenous and local knowledges in rural Zambia. Journal of the British Academy, 12(3): a31
Marion Suiseeya, K. R., O’Connell, M. G., Leoso, E., Defoe, M. S. B. N., Anderson, A., Bang, M., … & Zerega, N. (2022). Waking from paralysis: Revitalizing conceptions of climate knowledge and justice for more effective climate action. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 700(1), 166-182.
McGregor, D., Whitaker, S., & Sritharan, M. (2020). Indigenous environmental justice and sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 43, 35-40.
Milgin, A., Nardea, L., Grey, H., Laborde, S., & Jackson, S. (2020). Sustainability crises are crises of relationship: Learning from Nyikina ecology and ethics. People and Nature, 2(4), 1210-1222.
Park, J., Wilcox, K., & Ineese-Nash, N. (2023). A World Fit for the Next Seven Generations: Upholding Indigenous Rights for the Foundation of a Sustainable Future. Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights/Revue canadienne des droits des enfants, 10(2), 5-29.
Redvers, N. et al. (2023). Indigenous solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises: A reflection on UNDRIP. PLOS Global Health.
Reed, G., Gobby, J., Sinclair, R., Ivey, R., & Matthews, H. D. (2021). Indigenizing climate policy in Canada: A critical examination of the pan-canadian framework and the ZéN RoadMap. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 78.
Reed, G., Brunet, N. D., Longboat, S., & Natcher, D. C. (2021). Indigenous guardians as an emerging approach to Indigenous environmental governance. Conservation Biology, 35(1), 179-189.
Reed, G., Brunet, N. D., McGregor, D., Scurr, C., Sadik, T., Lavigne, J., & Longboat, S. (2022). Toward Indigenous visions of nature-based solutions: an exploration into Canadian federal climate policy. Climate Policy, 22(4), 514-533.
Reid, A. J., McGregor, D. A., Menzies, A. K., Eckert, L. E., Febria, C. M., & Popp, J. N. (2024). Ecological research ‘in a good way’ means ethical and equitable relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Lands. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Seehawer, M., Khupe, C., & Keane, M. (2022). On the impossibility of instrumentalising Indigenous methodologies for the sustainable development agenda. In Indigenous methodologies, research and practices for sustainable development(pp. 49-63). Springer.
Sumida Huaman, E. & Walker, J. (2023). Beyond sustainability: Indigenous Knowledge Systems for locally and globally renewing earth relations. International Journal of Educational Development, 103.
Sumida Huaman, E., & Swentzell, P. (2021). Indigenous education and sustainable development: Rethinking environment through Indigenous knowledges and generative environmental pedagogies. Journal of American Indian Education, 60(1), 7-28.
Todd, Z. (2022). Fossil Fuels and Fossil Kin: An Environmental Kin Study of Weaponised Fossil Kin and Alberta’s So‐Called “Energy Resources Heritage”. Antipode.
Whyte, K. (2017). Indigenous climate change studies: Indigenizing futures, decolonizing the Anthropocene. English Language Notes, 55(1), 153-162.
Whyte, K. (2020). Against crisis epistemology. In Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies (pp. 52-64). Routledge.
Whyte, K. (2020). Too late for Indigenous climate justice: Ecological and relational tipping points. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 11(1), e603.
Whyte, K. (2023). Indigenous Environmental Justice, Renewable Energy Transition, and the Infrastructure of Sovereignty. Environmental Justice in North America.
Williams, L. (2023). From Indigenous philosophy in environmental education to Indigenous planetary futures: what would it take?. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 39(3), 320-335.
Politics of climate knowledge
Chakraborty, R., & Sherpa, P. Y. (2021). From climate adaptation to climate justice: Critical reflections on the IPCC and Himalayan climate knowledges. Climatic Change, 167(3-4), 49.
Chakraborty, R., Gergan, M. D., Sherpa, P. Y., & Rampini, C. (2021). A plural climate studies framework for the Himalayas. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 51, 42-54.
Cronin, J., Hughes, N., Tomei, J., Couto, L. C., Ali, M., Kizilcec, V., … & Watson, J. (2021). Embedding justice in the 1.5 C transition: A transdisciplinary research agenda. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition.
Cundill, G., Harvey, B., Ley, D., Singh, C., Huson, B., Aldunce, P., … & Totin, E. (2024). Engaging diverse knowledge holders in adaptation research. Nature Climate Change.
Dutt, P., Fateyeva, A., Gabereau, M., & Higgins, M. (2022). Redrawing Relationalities at the Anthropocene (s): Disrupting and Dismantling the Colonial Logics of Shared Identity Through Thinking with Kim Tallbear. Reimagining Science Education in the Anthropocene.
Harris, D. M. (2023). Understanding and Knowing Climate Change: Teaching Climate Science, Justice, and Storytelling. The Geography Teacher, 1-7.
Lefstad, L., & Paavola, J. (2023). The evolution of climate justice claims in global climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC. Critical Policy Studies, 1-26.
Lezak, S. (2024). From capacity building to capacity sharing. Nature Sustainability, 7(1), 1-3.
Mikulewicz, M., Caretta, M. A., Sultana, F., & JW Crawford, N. (2023). Intersectionality & Climate Justice: A call for synergy in climate change scholarship. Environmental Politics, 32(7), 1275-1286.
Orlove, B., Sherpa, P., Dawson, N., Adelekan, I., Alangui, W., Carmona, R., … & Wilson, A. (2023). Placing diverse knowledge systems at the core of transformative climate research. Ambio, 1-17.
Nightingale, A. J., Eriksen, S., Taylor, M., Forsyth, T., Pelling, M., Newsham, A., … & Whitfield, S. (2020). Beyond technical fixes: Climate solutions and the great derangement. Climate and Development, 12(4), 343-352.
Perry, K. K. (2024). Epistemic silences, subversive politics: post-disaster economic assessments as technologies of persistent coloniality and route to an emancipatory climate justice agenda in the Caribbean. Climate and Development.
Schipper, E. L. F., Ensor, J., Mukherji, A., Mirzabaev, A., Fraser, A., Harvey, B., … & Shawoo, Z. (2021). Equity in climate scholarship: a manifesto for action. Climate and Development, 13(10), 853-856.
Schipper, E. L. F., Dubash, N. K., & Mulugetta, Y. (2021). Climate change research and the search for solutions: rethinking interdisciplinarity. Climatic Change, 168(3), 18.
Wilkens, J., & Datchoua-Tirvaudey, A. R. (2022). Researching climate justice: a decolonial approach to global climate governance. International Affairs, 98(1), 125-143.
(Coloniality of) climate mitigation, adaptation, green energy, and just transitions
Bachram, H. (2004). Climate fraud and carbon colonialism: The new trade in greenhouse gases. Capitalism nature socialism, 15(4), 5-20.
Batel, S. (2021). A brief excursion into the many scales and voices of renewable energy colonialism. In Routledge Handbook of Energy Democracy (pp. 119-132). Routledge.
Diamond, M. S., Wanser, K., & Boucher, O. (2023). “Cooling credits” are not a viable climate solution. Climatic Change, 176(7), 96.
Eberle, C., Münstermann, N., & Siebeneck, J. (2019). Carbon colonialism: A postcolonial assessment of carbon offsetting.
Ervine, K. (2022). Delivering adaptation finance through the market? The trouble with using carbon offsets to finance climate adaptation in the Global South. In The Political Economy of Climate Finance: Lessons from International Development (pp. 153-178). Springer International Publishing.
Fitz-Henry, E., & Klein, E. (2024). From just transitions to reparative transformations. Political Geography, 108, 103004.
Haag, S. (2022). Old colonial power in new green financing instruments. Approaching financial subordination from the perspective of racial capitalism in renewable energy finance in Senegal. Geoforum.
Hickel, J., & Slamersak, A. (2022). Existing climate mitigation scenarios perpetuate colonial inequalities. The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(7), e628-e631.
Ho, D. T. (2023). Carbon dioxide removal is an ineffective time machine. Nature.
Hoicka, C. E., Savic, K., & Campney, A. (2021). Reconciliation through renewable energy? A survey of Indigenous communities, involvement, and peoples in Canada. Energy Research & Social Science, 74, 101897.
Islam, F. B., Naylor, L., Bryan, J. E., & Coker, D. J. (2024). Climate coloniality and settler colonialism: Adaptation and indigenous futurities. Political Geography, 114, 103164.
Jerez, B., Garcés, I., & Torres, R. (2021). Lithium extractivism and water injustices in the Salar de Atacama, Chile: The colonial shadow of green electromobility. Political Geography.
Johnson, L., Mikulewicz, M., Bigger, P., Chakraborty, R., Cunniff, A., Griffin, P. J., … & Simon, G. (2023). Intervention: The invisible labor of climate change adaptation. Global Environmental Change, 83.
Lamb, I. P., Massam, M. R., Mills, S. C., Bryant, R. G., & Edwards, D. P. (2024). Global threats of extractive industries to vertebrate biodiversity. Current Biology.
Osborne, T., Cifuentes, S., Dev, L., Howard, S., Marchi, E., Withey, L., & Santos Rocha da Silva, M. (2024). Climate justice, forests, and Indigenous Peoples: toward an alternative to REDD+ for the Amazon. Climatic Change, 177(8), 1-28.
Riofrancos, T. (2022). The Security–Sustainability Nexus: Lithium Onshoring in the Global North. Global Environmental Politics, 1-22.
Sovacool, B. K., Bell, S. E., Daggett, C., Labuski, C., Lennon, M., Naylor, L., … & Firestone, J. (2023). Pluralizing energy justice: Incorporating feminist, anti-racist, Indigenous, and postcolonial perspectives. Energy Research & Social Science.
Vogel, J., & Hickel, J. (2023). Is green growth happening? An empirical analysis of achieved versus Paris-compliant CO2–GDP decoupling in high-income countries. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7(9), e759-e769.
Walker, C. J., Doucette, M. B., Rotz, S., Lewis, D., Neufeld, H. T., & Castleden, H. (2021). Non-Indigenous partner perspectives on Indigenous peoples’ involvement in renewable energy: exploring reconciliation as relationships of accountability or status
Zografos, C., & Robbins, P. (2020). Green sacrifice zones, or why a Green New Deal cannot ignore the cost shifts of just transitions. One Earth, 3(5), 543-546.
Racism, colonialism, and ecological and climate justice
Almassi, B. (2022). Climate reparations, compensation, and intergenerational restorative justice. In The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Restorative Justice (pp. 201-222). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Badurek, C. A., & Jimenez, J. (2022). Our Carbon Debt: A Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Education on Climate Change. In Care, Climate, and Debt: Transdisciplinary Problems and Possibilities (pp. 73-87). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Bhambra, G. K., & Newell, P. (2022). More than a metaphor: ‘Climate colonialism’ in perspective. Global Social Challenges Journal.
Chancel, L. (2022). Global carbon inequality over 1990–2019. Nature Sustainability, 5(11), 931-938.
Fanning, A. L., & Hickel, J. (2023). Compensation for atmospheric appropriation. Nature Sustainability.
Follingstad, G. (2023). Tipping Points for a Seminal New Era of Climate Resilience and Climate Justice. Journal of Climate Resilience and Climate Justice, 1, 3-7.
Grove, K., Reid, G., Molinari, S., Falcon, J., Mehta-Kroll, A., Sosa El Fakih, E., … & Ortiz, D. (2023). Absurd geographies of resilience and justice. Climate and Development, 1-12.
Maina-Okori, N. M., Koushik, J. R., & Wilson, A. (2018). Reimagining intersectionality in environmental and sustainability education: A critical literature review. The Journal of Environmental Education, 49(4), 286-296.
Mikulewicz, M., Caretta, M. A., Sultana, F., & JW Crawford, N. (2023). Intersectionality & Climate Justice: A call for synergy in climate change scholarship. Environmental Politics, 1-12.
Mitchell, A., & Chaudhury, A. (2020). Worlding beyond ‘the’‘end’of ‘the world’: White apocalyptic visions and BIPOC futurisms. International Relations, 34(3), 309-332.
Murdock, E. G. (2022). Conserving dispossession? A genealogical account of the colonial roots of western conservation. Ethics, Policy & Environment.
Newell, P. (2022). Climate justice. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 49(5), 915-923.
Newell, P., Srivastava, S., Naess, L. O., Torres Contreras, G. A., & Price, R. (2021). Toward transformative climate justice: An emerging research agenda. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 12(6), e733.
Perry, K. K. (2021). (Un) Just transitions and Black dispossession: The disposability of Caribbean ‘refugees’ and the political economy of climate justice. Politics.
Peša, I. (2022). Decarbonization, Democracy and Climate Justice: The Connections Between African Mining and European Politics. Journal of Modern European History, 20(3), 299-303.
Ramanujam, A. (2022). Climate scholarship needs Du Bois: Climate crisis through the lens of racial and colonial capitalism. Sociological Inquiry.
Rice, J., Long, J., & Levenda, A. (2022). Against climate apartheid: Confronting the persistent legacies of expendability for climate justice. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(2), 625-645.
Riley Case, S. (2023, March). Looking to the Horizon: The Meanings of Reparations for Unbearable Crises. In Symposium on Race, Racism and International Law,(2023)(Vol. 117).
Sarang, S., & Prabhakar, R. (2023). Capacity-Building for Successful Climate Justice Collaborations. Journal of Climate Resilience and Climate Justice, 1, 93-106.
Sayson, C.M., Suppiah, S., Denardin, A., Oliveira, L., Maldonado-Torres, N., Mhlahlo, A., (2024). Colonial sustainability: Tracing sustainability’s ecocidal lineage from the Doctrine of Discovery. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 11(1), 1
Simpson, M., & Pizarro Choy, A. (2023). Building decolonial climate justice movements: Four tensions. Dialogues in Human Geography.
Sloan Morgan, O., Melchior, F., Thomas, K., & McNab‐Coombs, L. (2023). Youth and climate justice: Representations of young people in action for sustainable futures. The Geographical Journal.
Stephens, J. C. (2022). Beyond climate isolationism: a necessary shift for climate justice. Current Climate Change Reports, 1-8.
Sultana, F. (2022). Critical climate justice. The Geographical Journal, 188(1), 118-124.
Sultana, F. (2022). The unbearable heaviness of climate coloniality. Political Geography.
Táíwò, O. O. (2022). Reconsidering reparations. Oxford University Press.
Tilley, L., Ranawana, A. M., Baldwin, A., & Tully, T. M. (2022). Race and climate change: Towards anti-racist ecologies. Politics.
Trott, C. D., Lam, S., Roncker, J., Gray, E. S., Courtney, R. H., & Even, T. L. (2023). Justice in climate change education: a systematic review. Environmental Education Research, 1-38.
Underhill, V., Sabati, S., & Beckett, L. (2022). Against settler sustainability: California’s groundwater as a vertical frontier. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space,
Weatherill, C. K. (2023). Resisting climate change vulnerability: feminist and decolonial insights. International Politics.
Higher education
Al-Saleh, D., & Vora, N. (2023). US Higher education and fossil fuels: the limits of liberalism in university climate action. Climate and Development.
Baildon, M. (2024). Confronting climate denial in higher education to promote sustainable futures. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education.
Bills, H. & Klinsky, S. (2023). The resilience of settler colonialism in higher education: A case study of a Western sustainability department. Teaching in Higher Education, 28(5).
Crumley-Effinger, M., & Torres-Olave, B. (2021). Kicking the habit: Rethinking academic hypermobility in the anthropocene. Journal of International Students, 11(S1), 86-107.
Facer, K. (2020). Beyond business as usual: Higher education in the era of climate change. HEPI Debate Paper, 24.
Fazey, I., Hughes, C., Schäpke, N. A., Leicester, G., Eyre, L., Goldstein, B. E., … & Reed, M. S. (2021). Renewing universities in our climate emergency: stewarding system change and transformation. Frontiers in Sustainability.
Gardner, C. J., Thierry, A., Rowlandson, W., & Steinberger, J. K. (2021). From publications to public actions: the role of universities in facilitating academic advocacy and activism in the climate and ecological emergency. Frontiers in Sustainability.
Graham, G. (2023). ‘Off topic in some places (global warming)’: a critical and radical response to connecting social work teaching to a global climate emergency. Critical and Radical Social Work, 1-14.
Green, A. J. (2021). Challenging conventions—a perspective from within and without. Frontiers in Sustainability.
Hiltner, S., Eaton, E., Healy, N., Scerri, A., Stephens, J. C., & Supran, G. (2024). Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, e904.
Kinol, A., Miller, E., Axtell, H., Hirschfeld, I., Leggett, S., Si, Y., & Stephens, J. C. (2023). Climate justice in higher education: a proposed paradigm shift towards a transformative role for colleges and universities. Climatic Change, 176(2), 15.
Kistner, M., & Jiménez, J. (2023). Concerned but Confused: University students’ knowledge and perceptions of climate change, and how they plan to address it in their future personal and professional lives. The SUNY Journal of the Scholarship of Engagement: JoSE, 3(1), 1.
Lachapelle, P., Belmont, P., Grasso, M., McCann, R., Gouge, D. H., Husch, J., … & Klain, S. (2024). Academic capture in the Anthropocene: A framework to assess climate action in higher education.Climatic Change, 177(3), 40.
Latter, B., Demski, C., & Capstick, S. (2024). Wanting to be part of change but feeling overworked and disempowered: Researchers’ perceptions of climate action in UK universities. PLOS Climate.
Lazurko, A., Haider, L. J., Hertz, T., West, S., & McCarthy, D. D. (2023). Operationalizing ambiguity in sustainability science: embracing the elephant in the room. Sustainability Science, 1-20.
Leahy, C. P., Gaynor, A., Sleight, S., Morgan, R., & Rees, Y. (2022). Sustainable Academia: The Responsibilities of Academic Historians in a Climate-Impacted World. Environment and History, 28(4), 545-570.
McGeown, C., & Barry, J. Agents of (Un)sustainability: democratising Universities for the planetary crisis. Frontiers in Sustainability, 4, 48.
McKenzie, M., & Wilson, A. (2022). Sustainability as Wild Policy: Mobile SDG Interventions and Land-informed Policy in Education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-16.
Michel, J. O., Buckley, J., Friedensen, R., Anderson-Long, M., & Garibay, J. (2023). Infusing Sustainability into Graduate Level Higher Education and Student Affairs Coursework. About Campus, 27(6), 4-11.
Murray, J. (2018). Student-led action for sustainability in higher education: A literature review. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Nussey, C., Tyson, L. S., Dandare, K., Perry, J., & McCowan, T. (2023). How are universities responding to the challenges of the climate crisis? A systematic review of literature.
Pasek, A. (2020). Low-carbon research: Building a greener and more inclusive academy. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 6, 34-38.
Prádanos, L., (2020). How did this class prepare you for extinction? Resilience.
Robinson, Z. P., & Laycock Pedersen, R. (2021). How to repurpose the university: A resilience lens on sustainability governance. Frontiers in Sustainability.
Rogers, N. (2023). Stepping out of the ivory tower into fire and flood: Climate activism and the academy. Alternative Law Journal.
Rolleston, C., Nyerere, J., Brandli, L., Lagi, R., & McCowan, T. (2023). Aiming Higher? Implications for Higher Education of Students’ Views on Education for Climate Justice. Sustainability, 15(19).
Shields, R. (2019). The sustainability of international higher education: Student mobility and global climate change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 217, 594-602.
Silova, I. (2024). Higher education futures beyond the Anthropocene: Mobilizing the power of science, art, and imagination.
Stein, S. (2019). The ethical and ecological limits of sustainability: A decolonial approach to climate change in higher education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 35(3), 198-212.
Stein, S. (2023). Universities confronting climate change. Higher Education.
Stein, S. & Hare, J. (2023). The Challenges of Interrupting Climate Colonialism in Higher Education: Reflections on a University Climate Emergency Plan. Harvard Educational Review, 93(3), 289-312.
Suarez, D.C., Kircher, C., Santi, & T. (2023). A Clear and Present Pedagogy: Teaching About Planetary Crisis (When You’re in a Planetary Crisis). Antipode.
Thierry, A., Horn, L., Von Hellermann, P., & Gardner, C. ” No research on a dead planet”: Preserving the socio-ecological conditions for academia. Frontiers in Education, 8.
General education
Alkon, A. H. (2024). A pedagogy for the end of the world: teaching environmental health and justice in a sacrifice zone. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 1-8.
Andreotti, V. D. O. (2021). The task of education as we confront the potential for social and ecological collapse. Ethics and Education, 16(2), 143-158.
Barwell, R., & Hauge, K. H. (2021). A critical mathematics education for climate change: A post-normal approach. In Applying critical mathematics education (pp. 166-184). Brill.
Beasy, K., Jones, C., Kelly, R., Lucas, C., Mocatta, G., Pecl, G., & Yildiz, D. (2023). The burden of bad news: educators’ experiences of navigating climate change education. Environmental Education Research.
Bryan, A. (2022). Pedagogy of the implicated: advancing a social ecology of responsibility framework to promote deeper understanding of the climate crisis. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 30(3), 329-348.
Common Worlds Research Collective (2020). Learning to become with the world: Education for future survival. Education Research and Foresight Working Papers.
Eaton, E. & Day, N.A. (2020). Petro-pedagogy: fossil fuel interests and the obstruction of climate justice in public education. Environmental Education Research 24(4): 457-473.
Karsgaard, C., & Shultz, L. (2022). Youth movements and climate change education for justice. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Koch, N. (2018). Green laboratories: University campuses as sustainability “exemplars” in the Arabian Peninsula. Society & Natural Resources, 31(5), 525-540.
Komatsu, H., Rappleye, J., & Silova, I. (2021). Student-centered learning and sustainability: Solution or problem?. Comparative Education Review, 65(1)
Long, D., & Henderson, J. (2023). Climate change as superordinate curriculum?. Research in Education.
McManus, P. (2023). Living with anthropogenic climate change: Learning from environmental history to question narratives of doom, hope, and crisis. Geographical Research, 61(4), 525-530.
Mochizuki, Y., & Bryan, A. (2024). Victims or vanguards? The Discursive construction of the Anthropocene generation and climate change education’s hopeful, resilient, post-political subject. Handbook of Children and Youth Studies.
Nairn, K., Kidman, J., Matthews, K. R., Showden, C. R., & Parker, A. (2021). Living in and out of time: Youth-led activism in Aotearoa New Zealand. Time & Society, 30(2), 247-269
Nelson, I. L. (2020). On the possibilities and politics of feminist energy analytics in university campus spaces. Engendering the Energy Transition, 113-138.
Nxumalo, F., Nayak, P., & Tuck, E. (2022). Education and ecological precarity: Pedagogical, curricular, and conceptual provocations. Curriculum inquiry, 52(2), 97-107.
O’Neill, K., & Sinden, C. (2021). Universities, sustainability, and neoliberalism: Contradictions of the climate emergency declarations. Politics and Governance, 9(2), 29-40.
Obach, B. K. (2023). In defense of doom and gloom: Science, sensitivity, and mobilization in teaching about climate change. Teaching Sociology.
Ruitenberg, C. (2020). The cruel optimism of transformative environmental education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54(4), 832-837.
Stein, S., Andreotti, V., Suša, R., Ahenakew, C., & Čajková, T. (2022). From “education for sustainable development” to “education for the end of the world as we know it”. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54(3), 274-287.
Stein, S., Andreotti, V., Susa, R., Ahenakew, C., Huni Kui, N., Tremembé, M., Taylor, L, Siwek, D., Cardoso, C., Duque, C., Oliveira da Silva Huni Kui, S., Calhoun, B., van Sluys, S., Amsler, S., D’Emilia, D., Pigeau, D., Andreotti, B. Bowness, E., & McIntyre, A. (2023). Beyond colonial futurities in climate education. Teaching in Higher Education, 28(5), 987-1004.
Stein, S., Andreotti, V., Ahenakew, C., Suša, R., Taylor, L., Valley, W., … & D’Emilia, D. (2024). Education beyond green growth: Regenerative inquiry for intergenerational responsibility. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE).
Svarstad, H. (2021). Critical climate education: Studying climate justice in time and space. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 30(1-2), 214-232.
Verlie, B., & Flynn, A. (2022). School strike for climate: A reckoning for education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 38(1), 1-12.Verlie, B. (2019). Bearing worlds: Learning to live-with climate change. Environmental Education Research, 25(5), 751-766.
Wachs, J. ‘Hacking’climate education methods within narrow policy frames to ask systemic and emancipatory questions. Practice notes from Leith, Scotland.
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Early childhood education
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K-12 education
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Political ecology/political economy
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Mental health
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Syllabi and other resources
An Existential Toolkit for Climate Educators
Political Ecologies of Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Change and Colonialism
Climate & Environmental Justice in Education
Environmental Justice, Conservation, & Racial Justice Resource List
Justice and Climate Change Bibliography
Indigenous Principles of Just Transition
Relevant networks/hubs
Indigenous Climate Action
Indigenous Environmental Network
Sustainability and Education Policy Network
Climate Action Network for International Educators
Critical Climate Earth
The Chisolm Legacy Project