work sample 1(proposed ski resirt map)

proposed ski resort map

This map demonstrates different areas that might negatively affect the proposed ski resort construction.

The Garibaldi at Squamish project (ski resort) is currently under Environmental Assessment review to assess its potential environmental and economic impacts. As a natural resource planner, my task is to determine the feasibility of building this ski resort and make recommendations to the proponents’ proposal. In order to do so, I analyzed related spatial data, evaluated the issues raised by opponents, and produced this map that includes the influencing features.

Making the map involved obtaining data from DataBC website, categorizing the acquired data, clipping both the vector and raster layers to the project boundary, calculating the percentage of the areas in interest (i.e. old growth forest, ungulate habitat, red-listed ecosystems, fish habitat, area below 600m), creating the complete map that display areas that negatively affect the proposed project.


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