work sample 5 (GIS accomplishment statement)

In the GEOB 270 course, we are taught to operate GIS applications (ArcGIS) and to perform GIS analyses. From lab 1 to 3, I learned important concepts and skills through completion of GIS tasks using ArcGIS and ArcCatalog.

  1. Gained basic knowledge of GIS software ArcGIS to display map features, to add data(layers) to map, to manipulate data tables, to create a customized map, and to save the created map to associated data files.
  2. Compared and Contrasted vector and raster data models to understand each model’s associated visualization effects and datasets processing ways.
  3. Solved geographical problems in a given scenario to determine possible danger areas through Geographical Analysis Tools (e.g. proximity, reclassify, convert raster to vector, intersect, clip, select by location).

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