Hello everyone y bienvenidos al nuevo Club de Español (that’s the Spanish Club for everyone just starting to learn)! We’ve just recently started up here at UBC and are open to all students wanting to learn, practice, or further their skills in the Spanish language. We will be holding events over the year, so stay tuned to stay in the know.
To sign up (membership for the year is only $5), we will have a booth in the SUB on the main floor, Wednesday the 14th from 12:00-2:00pm. If you can’t make it then, just bring your money to your first event, and we’ll sign you up then!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/clubdeespanol.ubc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clubdespanolUBC
For any further information, feel free to contact us at our email: clubdeespanol.ubc@gmail.com
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