Community Field Experience


April 12th 2016,

Today marks my last day at the Cariboo-Chilcotin Child Development Center in Williams Lake. These past three weeks have been amazing and I have learned more than I could have imagined before I started this practicum experience. I gained insight into some of the challenges that may be facing my students when they enter my classroom. I have learned the importance of valuing a child’s strengths regardless of what they might be. Educators, myself included can be guilty of valuing ‘academic’ subject over elective subjects, which shouldn’t be the case. Success in band or PE is no less or more important that success in math or English. I came to realize that school isn’t always a positive experience for some students and their families, for a multitude of possible reasons. As I got to explore the surface of some of these reasons I am able to reflect on how I can alter my teaching practice and interactions with students and families to minimize these reasons and make school as positive of an experience as I can.