
Here I will include links to websites that I frequent as well as media that inspires me.

Make Magazine is great place to find all kinds of great innovative projects!

The Smoking Tire is a great source for all things cars! Matt Farah operates the website and YouTube channel.  Website:              YouTube channel:

The Drive network is a collection of YouTube channels one of which is all about automotive and motorcycle detailing:

Mighty car mods continues to be a great source for automotive ingenuity.       

Speed Academy is a Canadian group of automotive enthusiasts who produce great concise content exploring common and practical modifications done to common project cars.                                                                                                   

The YouTube Channel FineWoodworking is great resource for all wood working related skills. The channel showcases a great attention to detail in their finished product.                                                                                                                           

Simone Giertz runs an amazing and inspiring YouTube channel centring on DIY robotics focusing mainly on Arduino controlled servo motors.

If you are dreaming big in regards to working in automotive field, always has a huge variety of written off cars some that are worthwhile repairing and enjoying! Try finding a car that is inexpensive but has damage that could easily be repaired.                                                            

If you are interested on the philosophical aspect of working with your hands and fostering meaningful and quality work I suggest you read “Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work” by Matthew Crawford. In this book Mathew explores the societal perspective on manual work and the rewarding process of self-growth and understanding that is achieved through personally valuable and meaningful work.                                   


-Mr. McCormack