
Inquiry Post #1

The focus of my inquiry project is investigating the source of student motivation and how to garner student interest in a Technology Education classroom. I will explore the reasons for motivation both intrinsic and extrinsic in a technology education setting. I will be exploring how to best engage students so that they will become fully immersed in an activity or project for the duration of a Technology Education class. The reason I am exploring motivation and its starting point for students is because I have seen a lack of motivation during my time on practicum. I work to come to a higher understanding of how a class and project structure can promote student motivation and desire to learn. I am looking to understand why students can seem amotivated in such an exciting growing field such as technology education.

Inquiry Post #2

Understanding motivation is important because I want to create a learning environment that engages with the students and eventually guides them towards self-directed learning. When students are self-motived they become passionately involved in the success of their own project. The potential audience for my inquiry project would be Technology Education teachers since my study will focus on how to implement motivational strategies within a Technology Education classroom setting through specific modifications to the learning environment.

Although the quantitative qualities of motivation are obscure, the effects of motivation have clearly shaped our world we live in today. My goal is to transfer my own drive for self-improvement to the students so that their learning becomes inspired by their own internal interest. When self-interest leads learning “evaluation and good grades are not important in technology education” (Autio 2011, p.354) since the reward is acquiring new skills and developing a sense of self-worth and accomplishment.

Inquiry #3

I believe a desire for self-improvement and constant self-better to be the main concept to promote. This is a troubling disconnect between the skills they acquire at school to their daily life and the activities they pursue at home. To transfer a desire to learn the skills in my classes, I will try and create projects that connect more easily with the skills the students would like to have and know in their life outside of school.

Mr. McCormack


Autio, O., Hietanoro, J., & Ruismäki, H. (2011). Taking part in technology                       education: Elements in students’ motivation. International Journal of                   Technology and Desig Education, 21(3), 349-361. doi:10.1007/s10798-                   010-9124-6