It’s 6 in the morning September 11, 2001. I’m 16 years old and my father turns on my light in a panic and tells me to get out of bed. This is abnormal for him to do this. I remember being a bit puzzled and trying to get my wits about me under these unusual circumstances. I made my way downstairs to see that CNN was on the TV. A normal day as a teenager never consisted of any TV time prior to heading off to school. As I focused on the screen I noticed a fire in the twin towers. Reading the subject at the bottom I was taken back to know an air-plane flew into the tower. The newscaster seems unaware of any facts and at this time they are thinking it was just a personal small plane that crashed into the tower. Seconds later a jet liner comes into the camera and crashes into the second tower. In total disbelief, I sat down on the edge of the couch to try and process what I am witnessing. As a family we sat and observed in silence. Watching the smoke and debris fall from the top of the towers. Then came the footage of people jumping from the tower to certain death. The emotions as a 16 year old was sad, angry, and confused. Then the unthinkable happened…… the towers fell.
Over the next 25 minutes New York’s finest rushed towards ground zero to do whatever humanly possible to try and save as many lives as possible. Professionals in their trade the New York Firefighters still pushed onward. With all their gear on they marched up the second tower stairwells fully geared up in smokey stairwells crowded with panicked office workers. The mental and physical limits of these individuals were pushed to the absolute max.
………………………………………. Moments later the world stood still………………………………
The second tower fell officially at 10:28 EST. People around the world gasped for air witnessing the events of 9/11. As the world stood still, the emergency services of New York persisted relentlessly in their role to save others in these unfathomable events.
Leading is not something that can be taught or told how to do. There is no YouTube video to watch. Leading shows itself in the moment of need. Leading is not an individual dictating and telling people what to do but is knowing the situation you are in and using all resources to their maximum potential to achieve a task. Leading is making decisions and having people that surround you believe in the objective. Leadership comes in a variety of different ways. There are no restrictions to be a leader. Age, gender, and or social status does not restrain you from being a leader. True leaders have selfless intentions and are willing to hold the responsibilities on their shoulders. It’s staring fear in the face and saying, I am not afraid…..
To all the emergency services, and fearless volunteers who ran towards those towers while everyone else was running the opposite way. You are the pinnacle of the definition of what leaders are. You made split decisions that saved lives while putting your life at risk, or losing your life to save another. You were fearless and selfless in the line of duty.
For all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!