The newest global movement, “Occupy Wall Street”, started September 17th and has gathered momentum. Yesterday, massive protests occurred at the Brooklyn Bridge with many being arrested, as reported. These protests initially occurred in New York, and eventually spread to numerous big American cities, such as: Boston, Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Now, this movement has spread to Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary; even people across the Atlantic in London have started to speak out.
It is almost as if everyone watched the Matt Damon-narrated documentary “Inside Job” at once, and decided to start a mass protest. The issue surrounds corporate greed, such as companies and banks on Wall Street. People have finally started to have a voice against banks being bailed out with public funds while their executives take home millions in bonuses, while citizens are jobless and their families are hungry and without homes. It is about time the American people take matters into their own hands and speak out. This movement has made Canadians take a stand as well, although the issue is more regarded as an American problem because of their economic structure.