Posted by: | 15th Sep, 2010

Business Ethics, Can They Really be Taught?

The story I have heard the most about recently in regards to business ethics would be the story about a man named Bernie Madoff.  The question I’m asking today is, do you think that someone can be taught how to be ethical? (whether it be in business or otherwise) In my opinion, whether someone is ethical or not relies solely on their inner drive and personality.  I don’t believe that anyone can become more ethical just by simply learning about ethics.  Such as, if Bernie Madoff were to have learned more about ethics in university, he wouldn’t be any less likely to pursue the ethical path he undertook.  I do believe, however, that people who are naturally ethical can learn more about ethical practices in business and ways of implementing it into their own lives.  I believe the teaching of ethics in schools and universities to be relevant in that students are more easily able to understand what value ethics have on business and our general lives.

based on this article in The Globe and Mail

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