Posted by: | 5th Oct, 2010

Social Media – Business Adapting to New Technology

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Despite being an active member of various social media portals, I was blown away by some of the figures shown in this movie.  It never ceases to amaze me just how quickly the technological advancements of today’s world effect us immediately in so many ways.   With the rapid expansion of social media in recent years, it has really changed the way businesses can communicate with potential customers.  A portion of the video that stood out most to me was how we no longer have to look for news items that are relevant to ourselves as they now easily find their way to us through various social media portals.  This is a drastic shift from previous generations that relied almost entirely on print and television based news.  In today’s world we are updated instantly of current events and news with non-stop feeds of information delivered right to us wherever we are.  The video then looks to the future describing a time where we no longer look for products and services as we once did with the news, but they will find their way to us through today and tomorrow’s technology. That future is right around the corner and I am very interested to see how the business world reacts.

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