Posted by: | 5th Oct, 2010

Word of Mouth…To The Extreme

I recently purchased a foam mattress topper from a company in Kelowna named Sleepy’s. I had to special order the mattress but was told it would be ready for pickup before my departure to UBC.  A full month later, I have still not received my mattress. This ongoing struggle with the company to get my mattress along with the recent discussion in class about social media had me thinking about just how quickly word of mouth can be accessed by an exorbitant amount of people.  Word of mouth has always been an extremely useful means for consumers to gain knowledge about products and services businesses provide.  It has been shown that trust peer evaluations and reviews more than 50% more than traditional advertising.  This goes to show that negative customer service issues can lead to major problems for a company as information regarding the customer’s experiences can easily be spread to many other potential consumers through social media on the internet.  This shows that customer experiences, especially those on the negative end, can have consequential effects on a companies performance making it increasingly important for companies to maintain a strong image among the consumers.

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