In response to Jasmine Chan’s blog about the merging of Skype and Facebook, I agree that the move is a bad business decision. I use Facebook weekly, and I still didn’t even notice the new feature until her blog pointed it out. The integration of different mediums of social media may appear like a good idea on paper, but it’s forgetting something important.People use websites for what they’re known for, just like people go to McDonald’s for hamburgers, and go to IKEA for furniture.
There are advantages to having the two technologies separated. Maybe someone wants to use Skype the same time they use Facebook, or maybe someone likes having the two systems separated.
Most people know Facebook for it’s networking and Skype for its video-calling. I feel like this business move was just an attempt for Facebook to keep up with Google+, a competing networking site that has video-chat abilities. Facebook is trying to be the one stop for all your social networking needs, but maybe “one stop” isn’t what everyone wants. My opinion aside; whether or not this was a smart business decision, only time will tell.