Urban Forest : Vancouver, Canada VS Matsudo, Chiba, Japan
Even though Vancouver and Matsudo are considered urban areas, their forests are totally different because of the climate, the level of development, policy, ownership.
Also, the age group of the volunteers are different.
Please check websites that I have volunteered in Vancouver below:
– Pacific Spirit Park Society – Mapping (2015)
– Stanley Park Ecology Society – Special Invasive Plant Removal Team (2015)
– Jericho Stewardship Group – Mapping (2015)
– Tree Keepers – The Citizen Foresters training program (2015), Assisting plant sales
Matsudo, Chiba, Japan – 里山 – Satoyama group – 樹人の会
Matsudo city, where I grow up, has been losing green area by development and financial difficulty by owners (most green, forest area have owned by private/individual owners). Inheritance tax rate is too high for the next generations of the house to pay. The city does not have money to buy the forest. Also, the next generations work in the company. Some of them prefer to sell the land to realtors. Matsudo city is considered as a “bed town” of Tokyo.
I have been member in the “Juni no kai” 樹人の会, one of the Matsudo Satoyama Ouendan – 松戸里やま応援団 that started by the 12th 里やまボランティア入門講座 – Satoyama volunteer introduction program (only in Japanese) in 2014 that initiated by 松戸市 みどりと花の課 (Matsudo City Green and Flower Department) to preserve the remained (limited) green area in Matsudo. A lot of members are retired but still healthy, energetic, and have tons of knowledge. It may win-win situation for both urban forest and the aging society problems in Japan.
里やまボランティア入門講座 – Satoyama volunteer introduction program (only in Japanese) is held every year. 2018 is the 16th year. After completing the program, each cohort has been made their own volunteer group. The working urban forest is a particular urban forest in Matsudo city which owned by the private/individual owner. The forest owners are usually old and/or cannot manage the forest by themselves. 松戸市 みどりと花の課 (Matsudo City Green and Flower Department) support matching the volunteer groups and landlord.
The problem of the forests in Matsudo are not managed well. Some garbage (furniture etc. must be paid to throw away to proper places) were left by outsiders. Bamboos invade and disturb other native/non-native plants to grow. It affects ecosystem (diversity).
Matsudo city has Open Forest in Matsudo event every on the golden week (national long holiday between end of April and early May in Japan) . Matsudo Satoyama Ouendan – 松戸里やま応援団 participates the event inviting to public to their forest to provide the opportunity 1)connect to nature in their habitat (land-based learning), 2)have experience in the forest (experiential learning), 3)make community within the group, with other groups, and visitors (youth to elder), 4)provide ikigai for the members.
Unfortunately, Matsudo Satoyama Ouendan – 松戸里やま応援団 does not have their own website. However, a young generation group (parents and kids), that uses one of the satoyama ouendan’s forest, has a blog and Facebook page.
Save the Green Akiyama – Blog (in Japanese)
Save the Green Akiyama – Facebook
Also, Chiba prefecture has a Satoyama group.
Chiba Satoyama People – Facebook