Recently, Samsung released their anticipated product – the galaxy gear. The Samsung galaxy gear acts as an accessory to their “market-leading Galaxy smartphone with a small screen offering basic functions such as photos, hands-free calls and instant messaging.”
In their new commercial titled as “Evolution” which can be viewed here, Samsung uses effective tools to help differentiate their product and convince consumers that it’s the “next big thing.”
This commercial begins with pictures of previous gadgets used in popular TV shows such as Star Wars and Power Rangers. This is effective because the target market for the galaxy gear would have watched those shows as Children, and at one point, would have wanted those cool devices to be real. For a lot of people, their childhood memories would have stirred up emotions such as nostalgia, tempting the consumers fulfill their childhood dreams; hence purchasing the galaxy gear. Additionally, this commercial was quite simple and did not have unnecessary information, if anything, it left the consumer wanting to know more. This effective marketing scheme would have the consumer hooked on the product, therefore going out to purchase it.
According to Harvard Business Review, a brand would need compelling points of difference in market of parity. Samsung is known for their innovative products which sets them apart from Apple. By releasing the galaxy gear, Samsung has a competitive advantage in the market, and many other companies would follow suit to try to enter this new market of “wearable, hands free device.” Watches are fashionable, and the galaxy gear might become “the next big thing.”
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