I am a huge fan of the recently finished television series Breaking Bad and I always found it hard to explain to others why I found it so interesting. After reading the article “The Breaking Bad School” I realized that maybe my subconscious self was intrigued by the way it related so closely to business in general. The more I begin to analyze the show, the more I feel able to relate it directly to our Com 101 class. I find myself breaking up Walter Whites business into a model canvas and studying the importance of ethics and reasons for his inevitable demise. He started with a strong ambition to create an extremely clear PoD and value proposition, as well as creating strong partner relationships with tight operations management. With his fresh perspective on the industry and intellectual capital, he was able to produce something that no one else could. Although, at the end of the day, one must consider how they are truly contributing to the world. What seems to be a dominating theme in our classes as well as in the series was the idea of ethics. It’s easy to convince yourself that you’re doing something right when you’re accumulating huge profits. It’s much harder to tell yourself the truth when the alternative is so rewarding.