Synopsis (from the DEFA-Stiftung)

Philipp and Tanja teach at the same school. Both enjoy their work immensely. Instead of merely ploughing through the curriculum they rather try winning their pupil’s trust in order to talk about pressing problems. This shared view of their job brings together Tanja and Philipp, and it is especially Tanja who sees in this friend the love of her life. Philipp feels positively attracted to her as well. But when a friend of his youth reminds him of an earlier erotic bond, he realized that he is gay, a fact he has been repressing for years.

Philipp gets to know Matthias and falls in love passionately. The younger of the two, Matthias, puts all his trust in the other and the relationship could certainly have lasted. But Philipp is a coward. He lacks the courage to tell Tanja, who is expecting his child, the truth. And he equally fails to commit himself to Matthias, and honestly confront his sexually orientation. As it turns out in the end, he loses both Tanja and Matthias.

Not until he has undergone a painful process, does he come to accept himself.

Source: PROGRESS Film-Verleih

DEFA-Stiftung page on Coming Out: