This list of scholarly discussions of Coming Out is as comprehensive as possible but may not be exhaustive. Coming Out is not always the focus of the sources listed here.

Clark, Christopher Michael. “Sexuality and Alterity in German Literature, Film, and Performance, 1968–2000.” Ph.D. diss., Cornell University, 2003.

Dennis, David Brandon. “Coming Out into Socialism: Heiner Carow’s Third Way.” In A Companion to German Cinema, edited by Terri Ginsberg and Andrea Mensch, 55–81. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2012.

Frackman, Kyle. “Coming Out of the Iron Closet: Contradiction in East German Gay History and Film.” Glossen, no. 37 (2013).

——. “Shame and Love: East German Homosexuality Goes to the Movies.” In Gender and Sexuality in East German Film: Intimacy and Alienation, edited by Kyle Frackman and Faye Stewart, 225–48. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2018.

——. “The East German Film Coming Out (1989) as Melancholic Reflection and Hopeful Projection.” German Life and Letters 71, no. 4 (2018): 452–72.

Lessard, John. “Iron Curtain ‘Auteurs’: Lost Voices from East Germany’s DEFA Studios.” Cinéaste 34, no. 3 (2009): 5–11.

McLellan, Josie. “From Private Photography to Mass Circulation: The Queering of East German Visual Culture, 1968–1989.” Central European History 48, no. 3 (2015): 405–423.

Pflügl, Helmut, ed. “Coming Out: Heiner Carow.” In Der geteilte Himmel: Höhepunkte des DEFA-Kinos 1946–1992, 312–315. Vienna: Filmarchiv Austria, 2001.

Sieg, Katrin. “Homosexualität und Dissidenz: Zur Freiheit der Liebe in Heiner Carows Coming Out.” In Die imaginierte Nation: Identität, Körper und Geschlecht in DEFA-Filmen, edited by Bettina Mathes, 284–308. Berlin: DEFA-Stiftung, 2007.

Sweet, Denis. “Die DEFA und ihre ‘Anderen’: Heiner Carows’ Coming Out als coming out der ‘Anderen.’” Film und Fernsehen 26, no. 1 (1998): 42–47.


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