Emily Margitan's Comm 101 Blog

iPhone 5 Faces Tall Order Living Up To Al Gore’s Hype

October 4th, 2011 · No Comments

Al Gore mid speech

iPhone 5 Faces Tall Order Living Up To Al Gore’s Hype

This article solidifies that the Apple iPhone 5 will be released on October 4th, 16 months past the release of the 4th generation iPhone. The 5th generation iPhone is expected to have a sharper processor and camera, a sleeker and lighter design as well as a more advanced network system and graphics. It is also expected to have GSM and CDMA capabilities. The launch of a new iPhone will definitely cause Apple’s stocks to rise as well as their reputation in the mobile industry.

The long awaited release of the iPhone 5 ties into the law of demand in that the longer Apple waits to release it, the higher the demand will be upon its release. If an individual’s phone contract is ending in late September, they will want to wait for the iPhone. This fall I bought an iPhone 4 and ended up returning it a week later because the sales lady lied to me about how long it would be until the new one was released. I will definitely be going out to snag a new iPhone 5 as soon as I can so I can get as much value out of it as possible.

Team, Trefis. “iPhone 5 Faces Tall Order Living Up To Al Gore’s Hype .” Forbes. Forbes.com LLC, 29 Sept. 2011. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2011/09/29/iphone-5-faces-tall-order-living-up-to-al-gores-hype/>.

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