Emily Margitan's Comm 101 Blog

I found my house on Facebook

October 31st, 2011 · No Comments

I recently stumbled upon Lisa Wong’s post called, “Tweet Me that House”. This blog post stood out to me because it involved real estate, which is a division that really interests me. Her blog post was based off an article from the Globe and Mail on how a realtor from New Jersey is mixing real estate searches with social media and bringing his three-year-old idea to Canada. His brand is known as BHGRE, standing for Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate. It may sound rather harmless but this new take on real estate will boost the stationary real estate market. The article mentions that real estate tends to focus on the agents selling homes rather than appealing to their customers that are buying or searching.

I think that the combination to social media with real estate will be successful. I have always been very interested to check MLS (Canadian Real Estate Association) about once a month to see what is going on with housing in my area. I find it very interesting to see how the price of a house that has been on the market for a long time can fluctuate. When I compare how much time I visit MLS to Facebook I realize that if house listings were on Facebook I would be checking the housing market regularly.  In the real estate market there are several different types of buyers. Firstly, there are buyers that are on a mission to purchase a home, there are searchers who are happy with their living situations but keep an eye on the market just from curiosity, there are long time searchers, people who are usually looking for a second home or an investment property who have no time frame on their search and there are businesses looking for property and investment opportunities. I think that the mix of social media with the housing market will be very useful for the searchers and investors since they are not on an exact mission. You never know what you will stumble upon on Facebook.




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