Because lager plane need more fuel= serious environmental problems= an dramatic increase of plane tickets!
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Realistically, airlines understand that customers will buy airline tickets regardless of “leg room”. (Inelastic demand) @cabahugj @shannipeng @shiyunliusharon
Bigger planes require more fuel (and at point can’t fly) = higher ticket prices = fewer ticket sales. and each empty seat costs more for AL
the cost of the bigger plane is more than the extra customer satisfaction
Zi Hang Lei (Jeffrey)
the cost of having the biggest plane minimize the flexibility of time. In order for the company to make profit, they need to fill every seat
Bigger planes = more costly (especially for fuel). Sometimes the costs aren’t worth it – ex. for short flights people may not care as much
There are more cost efficient alternatives to cater to customer satisfaction/happiness. Better food perhaps?
Teodor Karov
Bigger planes have higher upkeep costs. Furthermore, ff they are not filled, the company is operating inefficiently and thus losing profits.
Lucien Lu
Expensive costs to run bigger planes. Bigger planes require more cargo/customers to fill to be profitable/break even.
Kelly Trach
Why not choose the biggest planes? (tag your team mates)
Making profits is essential for businesses, but sustaining long term profits is more important and ethical practices allows that to occur.
Yiling Zhao
Just like nature selection, only the one who has the fitness can survive. Ethics should not hurt the survive of the company
Huan Yan
They wouldn’t be able to make coneection with the emplyees they plan to lay off. Therefore the reliability of this test is doubtful.
@xiaoyanqiao Business students should think more about balancing the business profits and the ethics at the same time.
Huan Yan
We think that the reason why those students seemed cold-hearted is that it’s based on hypothetical case rather than a real world situation.
Wong, Fung Chuen (Phoenix)
Business students should learn to balance from ethics and making profits
The goal of a company should not be solely on profit.
jian(Jane) zhang
Merely the profit maximization can’t represent the success of a business. Using the profit equation overlooks ethical business values.
Although teachers can teach ethics to students, it is ultimately up to the student to decide what they believe in & whether to act ethically
give them a chance to act like a employee being fired, having the same feeling of those people. so they may be
more ethical. -
Business students should learn ways to find an equilibrium pt between business decisions, the ethical implications and how to balance those.
The goal of a company should not be solely on profit.
Mikhail Golovanov
I think business schools should introduce INTEGRATED ethics courses in other business subjects such as marketing, economics and finance
I think profit is important.we are running business not charity.
@karyko thinks morality is important orelse there will be more Enron org. -
We learned that ethic is becoming an important issue and that we should use the equations more carefully @shannipeng
Bo Liu
equation: reduce number of hours or vacation time for employees
Bo Liu
equation: reduce number of hours or vacation time for employees
Business students should learn ways to find an equilibrium pt between business decisions, the ethical implications and how to balance those.
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